Cassia ferruginea (Schrad.) Schrad. ex DC. var. ferruginea

  • Authors

    Howard S. Irwin, Rupert C. Barneby

  • Authority

    Irwin, Howard S. & Barneby, Rupert C. 1982. The American Cassiinae. A synoptical revision of Leguminosae tribe Cassieae subtrib Cassiinae in the New World. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 35, part 1: 1-454.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Cassia ferruginea (Schrad.) Schrad. ex DC. var. ferruginea

  • Discussion

    10a. Cassia ferruginea (Schrader) DeCandolle var. ferruginea. Bactyrilobium ferrugineum Schrader, 1821, I.e., sens. str.—. . [der Prinz Maximilian von Neuwied ... in Brasilien gesammelten Gewachse . . .] n. 27. Holotypus not seen; isotypus, fragm. + drawing, sent to DeCandolle by Schrader as Cassia ferruginea, G-DC!—A spm labelled C. staminea, leg. Maximilian zu Wied-Neuwied," s. loc., M (hb. Mart.)! is possibly isotypic.—Cathartocarpus ferrugineus (Schrader) G. Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. Pl. 2: 453. 1825. Cassia brasiliana var. ß [?C.] ferruginea (Schrader) Vogel, Syn. Gen. Cass. 11. 1837.

    Cassia staminea Vogel, Syn. Gen. Cass. 14 & Linnaea 11: 536, descr. ampliat. 1837. In Brasilia: Sellow leg. pr. Pitangui et Fac[enda] de Caxoeira [= w.-n.-w. of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais]."—Evidently described from at least 2 collections at †B differentiated as an unnamed forma ß; Sellow s.n., K! = NY Neg. 1438, may duplicate one of these but lacks data of locality.—Equated with C. ferruginea by Bentham, 1870, p. 95.

    Cassia ferruginea sensu Bentham, 1870, p. 95 & 1871, p. 516, maj. ex parte, exclus. syn. Velloz, & Saldanh. nonnullisque speciminibus e Brasilia austro-orientali, quae var. vellozianae referimus. t

    Characters as given in key.—Collections: 23.

    Wooded valley slopes, gallery-margins, cerradão, and surviving in capoeira or as a fence-tree, mostly 200-950 m, scattered around and within the basin of Rio São Francisco from centr. Minas Gerais n. to Sa. de Araripe in s. Ceará (lat. ±7-20°S), w. to the upper Tocantins in centr. Goiás and reappearing locally on the Atlantic slope in s.-e. Bahia at 5-300 m, both in coastal wet forest and in mata de cipó of the Paraguaçú and Contas valleys; here and there cultivated for shade and ornament and locally spontaneous (as in Parque do Guará, D.F.).—FI. X-II.—Canafistula preta.