Senna angustisiliqua var. fulgens (Macfad.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby

  • Authors

    Howard S. Irwin, Rupert C. Barneby

  • Authority

    Irwin, Howard S. & Barneby, Rupert C. 1982. The American Cassiinae. A synoptical revision of Leguminosae tribe Cassieae subtrib Cassiinae in the New World. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 35, part 2: 455-918.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Senna angustisiliqua var. fulgens (Macfad.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby

  • Type

    Lectoholotypus, ‘Jamaica, Macfadyen s.n K! = NY Neg. 10479.—Non C. fulgens Wallich ex Vogel, 1837.

  • Synonyms

    Peiranisia jamaicensis Britton, Peiranisia oxyadena (DC.) Britton & Rose

  • Description

    Variety Description - Lfts of major lvs mostly 7-9 pairs, the terminal pair obovate 18-33 x 7-15 mm, 2-2.5(-2.8) times as long as wide; otherwise as in description and varietal key. [Key: "Beak of 4 median anthers lateral, divergent from the theca at ±90°; petioles 6-15(-18) mm, mostly 1-2 times as long as the first interfoliolar segment of rachis; Hispaniola, Jamaica. Petiolar glands between 2-3 lowest pairs of lfts; pod 10-12 x 0.8-0.95 cm; Jamaica."]— Collections: 9.

    Distribution and Ecology - Thickets on open hillsides and in second-growth woodland, 600-1250 m, local in e.-centr. Jamaica (St. Andrews and St. Thomas parishes).—FI. VII-XI.

  • Distribution

    Saint Andrew Jamaica South America| Saint Thomas Jamaica South America|