Senna acuruensis var. interjecta H.S.Irwin & Barneby

  • Authors

    Howard S. Irwin, Rupert C. Barneby

  • Authority

    Irwin, Howard S. & Barneby, Rupert C. 1982. The American Cassiinae. A synoptical revision of Leguminosae tribe Cassieae subtrib Cassiinae in the New World. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 35, part 2: 455-918.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Senna acuruensis var. interjecta H.S.Irwin & Barneby

  • Type

    Holotypus, BRADE; isotypus, NY.

  • Synonyms

    Cassia trachypus Mart.

  • Description

    Variety Description - Stems, lf-stalks and axes of inflorescence setulose as var. acuruensis (but not known to be pilose); lvs as described in the varietal key, the lfts not strongly bicolored, varying from glabrous to thinly pilosulous dorsally along midrib or also rarely on upper face, the tertiary venulation of upper face either prominulous or immersed.—Collections: 5. [Key: "Lvs at once relatively long-petiolate and paucifoliolate, the petiole 15-30 mm, the lfts fewerand larger, in larger lvs 4-13 pairs, the amplest of them 14-37 x 8-18 mm; e.-centr. and s.-e. Bahia. Lfts 8-13 pairs; all axes of inflorescence densely viscid-setulose."]

    Distribution and Ecology - Habitat not recorded, to be expected in lowland hill country, in thickets or caatinga woodland, 350 m or lower, known with certainty only from scattered stations on the lower S. Francisco, Paraguay! and Contas rivers in e. Bahia and probably adjacent Pernambuco, possibly in n. Minas Gerais.—Fl. VIII-X, XII-III, perhaps intermittently through the year.

  • Discussion

    As inferred in the synonymy, it was to specimens of var. interjecta that Martius gave the new name Cassia trachypus, taken up by Bentham for a mixed concept involving elements of three species. We have lectotypified C. trachypus Benth. by fruiting specimens collected by Gardner, thereby excluding the original, unpublished C. trachypus Mart. ms. The vague locality given on Martius’s label (BR), ‘in prov. Minarum’ is associated with the date July 1818. At this time Martius was collecting in the general vicinity of Grao Mogol and the Jequetinonha-Sao Francisco divide in northern Minas Gerais. The var. interjecta is known by exact data no further south than the Contas valley in southern Bahia and Martius’s record for Minas needs confirmation.

  • Distribution

    Bahia Brazil South America| Pernambuco Brazil South America| Minas Gerais Brazil South America|