Mimosa guilandinae (DC.) Barneby var. guilandinae
Rupert C. Barneby
Barneby, Rupert C. 1991. Sensitivae Censitae. A description of the genus Mimosa Linnaeus (Mimosaceae) in the New World. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 65: 1-835.
Scientific Name
7a. Mimosa guilandinae (DeCandolle) Barneby var. guilandinae. Acacia ? guilandinae DeCandolle, Prodr. syst. veg. 2: 465. 1825.—"In Cayenna."—Holotypus, [Patris ?] 26 in 1784, G-DC! = F Neg. 6995; presumed isotypus, Patris s.n., "commun. L’Heritier et DeC
Acacia guilandinae DC., Mimosa guilandinae (DC.) Barneby
Variety Description - Sarmentose, 3-6(-?) m, except for glabrous upper face of lfts and glabrous fls charged nearly throughout with minute sessile or subsessile reddish scales but lacking plain hairs; leaf-stalks 7-19 cm, the petiole (2.5-)4-10 cm, the interpinnal segments 1.5-5 cm; nectary near base of petiole broad-based, small-pored; pinnae commonly 2-, 3-, or 2-3-jug., rarely 2-4-jug., the rachis of furthest pair 2-5 cm, the single or longer interfoliolar segments 15-27(-31) mm; lfts of all but proximal pinnae usually 2-jug., of distal pinnae rarely 3-jug., the blades obovate or reniform-obovate, broadly obtuse, the distal pair 3.5-6.5 x 2-3.8 cm, all 3(-4)-nerved from pulvinule; flowers 5-merous; pods subsessile, in profile oblong 7-11 x 2.6-3 cm, the valves thinly minute red- lepidote, the articles 5-6 mm long and ± 5 times as wide.
Distribution and Ecology - In disturbed lowland forest and at forest or creek margins, below 300 m, locally plentiful on and inland from the Atlantic coastal plain in French Guiana and in n.-e. Amapá, Brazil.—Fl. abundantly II-V, intermittently thereafter; fr. V- onward. Map 4.
Acacia guilandinae was tentatively referred by Bentham (1876: 363) to the synonymy of Mimosa obovata, which has grossly similar foliage but trimerous flowers and no petiolar nectary. It was thence transferred, without the qualifying mark of interrogation, to Index Kewensis, where it lay in abeyance until very recently. The epithet guilandinae is the earliest applied to any member of this group.
The variety is very close to middle-Amazonian var. spruceana, differing principally in suppression of plain hairs. It was first collected in French Guiana by Aublet (BM!).
Brazil South America| Amapá Brazil South America| French Guiana South America|