Dalea cuatrecasasii Killip ex Barneby

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Authority

    Barneby, Rupert C. 1977. Daleae Imagines, an illustrated revision of Errazurizia Philippi, Psorothamnus Rydberg, Marine Liebmann, and Dalea Lucanus emen. Barneby, including all species of Leguminosae tribe Amorpheae Borissova ever referred to Dalea. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 27: 1-892.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Dalea cuatrecasasii Killip ex Barneby

  • Type

    COLOMBIA. Boyaca: Soata, 2130 m, sept 6, 1938, J. Cuatrecasas 1005. — Holotypus, US; isotypus, F.

  • Description

    Latin Diagnosis - Dalea cuatrecasasii (Jose Cuatrecasas, 1903- ) Barneby, sp. nov., a D. coerulea (L. f.) Schinz & Thell. imprimis calyce brevidentato ab ipso basi dense pilosulo, vexillo dorso glaberrimo, petalisque roseopurpureis nec saturate azureis absimilis. - Suffrutices demum dumosae 1.2 m usque altae, fere undique pilosulae, foliis adultis viridibus; folia majora 2.5-6 cm longa, foliolis 4-7-jugis majusculis 5-16 mm longis; spicae pedunculatae densae, corolla ablata 10-12 mm diam, axi 1-8 cm longo; bracteae interflorales deciduae; calyx 4.6-6.4 mm longus, tubo 2.6-4.1 mm, dente dorsali (longiori) 2-3.2 mm longis; petala bicoloria, vexillo albido rubescenti, epistemoneis roseo-purpureis, carinae laminis 5.8-6.4 mm longis.

    Species Description - Suffruticose, irregularly branching, becoming bushy up to 1.2 m tall, pilosulous almost throughout with ascending or weakly spreading hairs up to 0.2-0.5 mm long, the stramineous or purplish, distally verrucose stems when young like the young foliage silky, the fully expanded leaves becoming green, the leaflets pubescent both sides or only beneath, punctate; leaf-spurs 0.4-1.2 mm long; stipules subulate, green or livid, 1-3 mm long, pilosulous dorsally; intrapetiolular glands 2, small; post-petiolular glands prominent, conic or rounded; leaves shortly petioled or subsessile, the main cauline ones (2) 2.5-6 cm long, with margined, openly grooved rachis and 4-7 pairs of oblong-elliptic or -oblanceolate and apiculate, or short-acuminate to obovate and emarginate, flat or loosely folded, dorsally keeled leaflets 5-16 mm long; peduncles both leaf-opposed and terminal to branchlets, (0.7) 1-6.5 (10) cm long; spikes dense but not conelike, ovoid becoming oblong-cylindroid, without petals or androecia 10-12 mm diam, the densely pilosulous axis becoming 1-8 cm long; bracts deciduous, sometimes (especially the lowest) tardily, 2.5-5.5 mm long, the lowest ovate-acuminate, the longer and narrower interfloral ones lance-acuminate or -caudal, the lowest firm and pilosulous overall externally, pubescent within only at tip, the rest thin- margined in lower half, becoming firm upward, at tip green or livid, pilosulous; calyx 4.6-6.4 mm long, densely pilosulous with ascending hairs up to 0.4-0.7 mm long, the tube 2.6-4.1 mm long, a little recessed behind banner, the slender, often castaneous ribs becoming prominent, the membranous intervals charged with 1 row of 2-4 (5) small yellow glands concealed by vesture, the green or green-tipped, gland-tipped and minutely gland-spurred teeth unequal, the dorsal one 2-3.2 mm long (0-1.6 mm shorter than tube), triangular-subulate, the rest similar but broader-based and shorter, the tips of all often a trifle incurved; petals bicolored, the banner whitish, sometimes with colored corners, rubescent, sprinkled with large glands, glabrous dorsally, the epistemonous ones lavender- or pink-purple, perched low on androecium (± 1.8-2.2 mm above hypanthium), the keel and banner either gland-tipped or not; banner 5-6.5 mm long, the claw 2.2-4 mm, the suborbicular-cordate blade 3.4-5 mm long, 4-5.8 mm wide, deeply emarginate at apex, recessed at base into a shallow comet; wings 6.1 -7.3 mm long, the claw 1.8-2.6 mm, the oblanceolate-obovate blade 4.8-5.6 mm long, 2.5-3.3 mm wide; keel 8.4-10 mm long, the claws 3.2-4.1 mm, the obovate-elliptic blades 5.8-6.4 mm long, 3.3-3.5 mm wide; androecium 10-merous, 9-12.5 mm long, the longer filaments free for 3-3.7 mm, the connective gland-tipped, the anthers 0.6-0.75 mm long; pod triangular in profile, 2.6-3 mm long, the style-base latero-terminal, the valves rather firm, glabrous at base, thence pilosulous and gland-sprinkled; seed ± 2 mm long. — Collections: 15 (o).

    Distribution and Ecology - Brushy hillsides, edge of thickets, sometimes in hedges, 1800-2700 m, apparently not uncommon in Cordillera Oriental of Colombia, from Norte de Santander (near Pamplona) s. to n. Cundinamarca (near Ubate), in lat. 5° 20-7° 30 N. — Flowering intermittently through the year.

  • Discussion

    (Plate LXXVIII)

    In habit and foliage D. cuatrecasasii resembles and has often been mistaken for D. coerulea, but is easily distinguished by the calyx, at once densely pilosulous from base upward and short-toothed, accompanied by a dorsally glabrous banner. In D. coerulea the bracts are thrown off tardily if at all, in D. cuatrecasasii before the petals expand. Typical D. coerulea extends northward through Cordillera Oriental, but nowhere north of Bogota abundantly, as far as Santander, and the two species were collected close together near Surata by Killip & Smith (nos. 16,837, 18007). In this region they are abruptly distinct in the characters mentioned, as well as in flower color, the epistemonous petals of D. coerulea being vivid cobalt blue, those of D. cuatrecasasii rose or purple. The purple- tipped androecium of the latter is not absolutely longer than that of D. coerulea but relative to the calyx is much more so, becoming a conspicuous feature of the spike as the petals fall.

    Like many Andean daleas, D. cuatrecasasii occurs in greener, glabrescent and grayer, silky-pubescent phases. Killip used two unpublished names to distinguish them, one of which, honoring the eminent Colombian botanist Jose Cuatrecasas, is here taken up with particular pleasure. The species was collected first in 1842 or 1843 by Jean Jules Linden (no. 1324, NY, OXF, W).

  • Objects

    Representative: Norte de Santander: Alston 7114 (F, US); Garganta 1045 (F, US). Santander: Killip & Smith 16,837 (F, NY, US), 19,504 (F, NY). Boyaca: Fosberg 22,182 (NY, US); Cuatrecasas 1099 (US, ± topotypus), 1833, 1868 (F); Mason 13,720 (UC). Cundinamarca: Koeie 4525 (C, US); Haught 6169 (US).

    Specimen - 01306380, I. Linden 1324, Dalea cuatrecasasii Killip ex Barneby, Fabaceae (152.0), Magnoliophyta; South America, Colombia

  • Distribution

    Colombia South America| Cundinamarca Colombia South America| Norte de Santander Colombia South America| Santander Colombia South America| Boyacá Colombia South America| Cundinamarca Colombia South America|