Dalea leucostachya A.Gray var. leucostachya
Rupert C. Barneby
Barneby, Rupert C. 1977. Daleae Imagines, an illustrated revision of Errazurizia Philippi, Psorothamnus Rydberg, Marine Liebmann, and Dalea Lucanus emen. Barneby, including all species of Leguminosae tribe Amorpheae Borissova ever referred to Dalea. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 27: 1-892.
Scientific Name
"At Cosiquiriachi, in the Sierra Madre [ = Cusihuiriachic, ± 85 km airline s.-w. of Ciudad Chihuahua], Dr. Wislizenus." — Holotypus, GH! — Parosela leucostachys (Gray) Rose, Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 10: 104. 1906.
Parosela leucostachys Rose, Dalea decipiens M.E.Jones
Species Description - Maturing as a rounded, many-stemmed shrub up to ± 2 m diam, but sometimes flowering first as a weakly suffrutescent herb; foliage and stems usually pilosulous throughout, the leaflets of main cauline leaves sometimes glabrous above; panicle of spikes usually with some developed leaves subtending lower spikes, sometimes leafless; 2n = 7 II (Mosquin). — Collections: 17 (ii).
Distribution and Ecology - Rocky and brushy hillsides in the oak-belt, coming out into arid grassland and thorn-forest, it: 1300-2100 m (4330-7000 ft), locally plentiful but scattered, Sierra Madre Occidental on the w. slope from valley of Rio Mayo in s. Sonora and adjoining Chihuahua to s. Sinaloa, and on the e. slope and adjoining mountainous margin.of Meseta Central from centr. Chihuahua to w. Zacatecas; barranca of Rio Grande de Santiago near Guadalajara, Jalisco.— Flowering August to January.
(Plate LXIII)
Representative: Sonora. Alamos: Sa. Charuco, Gentry 1699 (ARIZ, F, MEXU, UC). Chihuahua. Chinipas: Sa. Canelo, Gentry 2860 (ARIZ, F, MEXU, UC); Balleza: Guasarachi, Goldman 148 (GH, US); Chihuahua: Sa. de Mapula, Pringle 721 (BR, F, NY, MEXU, UC, W). Durango. Santiago Papasquiaro: 8 mi. s.-w. of Santiago, Mosquin et al 6888 (NY); Durango: Durango, Palmer 614 (C, F, NY, UC, US). Sinaloa. Badari- guato: Sa. Surutato, Breedlove & Kanahara 16833 (CAS); Concordia: Palmito, Ripley & Barneby 14,017 (CAS, NY, US). Zacatecas. Sombrerete: Sa. Papanton, Ripley & Barneby 14,155 (CAS, MEXU, NY, US). Jalisco. Guadalajara: La Barranca, Pringle 7329 (NY).
Chihuahua Mexico North America| Sinaloa Mexico North America| Zacatecas Mexico North America| Jalisco Mexico North America| Durango Mexico North America| Sinaloa Mexico North America| Mexico North America|