Dalea tenuis (J.M.Coult.) Shinners

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Authority

    Barneby, Rupert C. 1977. Daleae Imagines, an illustrated revision of Errazurizia Philippi, Psorothamnus Rydberg, Marine Liebmann, and Dalea Lucanus emen. Barneby, including all species of Leguminosae tribe Amorpheae Borissova ever referred to Dalea. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 27: 1-892.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Dalea tenuis (J.M.Coult.) Shinners

  • Type

    based on Petalostemon violaceus var. tenuis (slender) Coult., Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 34. 1890.— "[Texas.] Santa Ana (Coleman county)." — Holotypus (Wemple, 1970, p. 92), Nealley 358 in 1889, US! phototypus, NY! Kuhnistera tenuis (Coult.) A. Hell., B

  • Synonyms

    Petalostemon violaceus var. tenuis J.M.Coult., Kuhnistera tenuis (J.M.Coult.) A.Heller, Petalostemon tenuis (J.M.Coult.) A.Heller, Dalea purpurea var. tenuis (J.M.Coult.) Shinners, Petalostemon stanfieldii Small, Dalea stanfieldii (Small) Shinners, Petalostemon grothii J.F.Macbr.

  • Description

    Species Description - Habit of D. compacta var. pubescens but commonly lower, 1.5-4 (5) dm tall, the erect of incurved-ascending stems mostly simple and monocephalous, seldom few- branched distally, either glabrous throughout (except for stipule margins) to the inflorescence, or the stem, leaf-rachis and dorsal face of leaflets thinly and weakly pilosulous with ascending hairs up to 0.5 mm long; stipules 1-4.5 mm long; leaves shortly petiolate, the primary cauline ones 1.5-3.5 cm long, with 3 or 5 linear-involute, acute or obtuse and mucronulate leaflets up to 6-15 mm long; peduncles 2.5-15 cm long; spikes dense, conelike, subglobose to oblong-cylindroid, the flowers crowded into ranks of 3-4 on each side, the cone of calyces 7-12 mm diam, the axis 0.5-2.5 cm long; bracts persistent even after fall of the calyx, 1.5-4.5 mm long, the lowest ovate-acuminate, firm, glabrous or nearly so, the interfloral ones obovate- oblanceolate, beyond the glabrescent base densely silky-pilosulous dorsally, abruptly contracted distally into a livid, glabrous, deltate-acuminate tip 1-2 mm long; calyx 3-5.2 mm long, obtusely pentagonal with ± connivent teeth, the firm, eglandular tube 2-3.1 mm long, silky-pilosulous with retrorsely subappressed hairs up to 0.2-0.35 mm long, the ribs immersed, the intercostal panels not externally differentiated in texture, the equally firm teeth of nearly equal length, 1-2.2 mm long, but of different shapes, the 3 dorsal ones broadly subulate, the ventral pair deltate-ovate, all either thinly pilosulous with forwardly subappressed hairs or glabrous except for ciliolate orifice, in that case either green-glaucescent or livid-castaneous; petals pink, in form almost as D. compacta war. pubescens; banner 4.6-5.8 mm, the claw 2.4-3.5.mm long, the ovate blade 2.2-2.5 mm long, broadly cuneate to truncate at base, 1.5-2.8 mm wide; epistemonous petals ± 3.5 mm long, the oblong-oblanceolate, hooded blade 2-auriculate at base, 2.7-3.1 mm long, 1-1.3 mm wide, abruptly contracted into a claw 0.5-0.7 mm long; androecium 6-8.5 mm long, the column 2.5-3.7 mm, the free filaments 2.5-4.8 mm long; ovary glabrous except at tip, the style-base pilosulous.—Collections: 20 (o).

    Distribution and Ecology - Open stony hills on limestone, or live-oak and mesquite savannah, locally common over Edwards Plateau and detached calcareous hill-country of centr. Texas, w. to the latitudes of Abilene and San Angelo, n. almost to Red River in Coke County, s.-e. to Balcones Escarpment in Hays and Bexar counties; cf. Wemple, 1970, map 12.— Flowering May-June, exceptionally again in fall.

  • Discussion

    48.  Dalea tenuis (Coulter) Shinners

    (Plate LIX)

    Petalostemon stanfieldii (Silas Walter Stanfield, 1856- ) Small, Fl. S. E. U. S. 1332. 1903.— "Type, San Marcos, Stanfield, 1897." — Holotypus, NY!—Dalea stanfieldii (Small) Shinners, Field & Lab. 17: 84. 1949.

    Petalostemon grothii (the collector) Macbr., Contrib. Gray Herb., New Ser. 49: 49. 1917. — "Texas:...near Bracken, Bexar Co., July 25, 1903, B. H. A. Groth, no. 148.— Holotypus, GH! isotypi, NY, US!

  • Objects

    Representative: Texas: E. J. Palmer 12,257, 12437 (NY, UC); Tolstead 7369 (NY, UC); Shinners 24089 (WIS); J. W. Stanford 1285, 2520 (OKLA); Wemple 235, 236, 238, 239, 244, 250 (all NY).

    Specimen - 01277778, D. K. Wemple 239, Dalea tenuis (J.M.Coult.) Shinners, Fabaceae (152.0), Magnoliophyta; North America, United States of America, Texas, Hood Co.

    Specimen - 01277779, D. K. Wemple 250, Dalea tenuis (J.M.Coult.) Shinners, Fabaceae (152.0), Magnoliophyta; North America, United States of America, Texas, Callahan Co.

    Specimen - 01277780, D. K. Wemple 238, Dalea tenuis (J.M.Coult.) Shinners, Fabaceae (152.0), Magnoliophyta; North America, United States of America, Texas, Lampasas Co.

    Specimen - 01277781, D. K. Wemple 235, Dalea tenuis (J.M.Coult.) Shinners, Fabaceae (152.0), Magnoliophyta; North America, United States of America, Texas, Burnet Co.

    Specimen - 01277783, D. K. Wemple 244, Dalea tenuis (J.M.Coult.) Shinners, Fabaceae (152.0), Magnoliophyta; North America, United States of America, Texas, Parker Co.

    Specimen - 01277788, E. J. Palmer 12437, Dalea tenuis (J.M.Coult.) Shinners, Fabaceae (152.0), Magnoliophyta; North America, United States of America, Texas, Coke Co.

    Specimen - 01277782, D. K. Wemple 236, Dalea tenuis (J.M.Coult.) Shinners, Fabaceae (152.0), Magnoliophyta; North America, United States of America, Texas, Lampasas Co.

    Specimen - 01277784, W. L. Tolstead 7369, Dalea tenuis (J.M.Coult.) Shinners, Fabaceae (152.0), Magnoliophyta; North America, United States of America, Texas

    Specimen - 01277785, E. J. Palmer 12257, Dalea tenuis (J.M.Coult.) Shinners, Fabaceae (152.0), Magnoliophyta; North America, United States of America, Texas, Bandera Co.

  • Distribution

    Texas United States of America North America| United States of America North America|