Marina diffusa (Moric.) Barneby var. diffusa
Rupert C. Barneby
Barneby, Rupert C. 1977. Daleae Imagines, an illustrated revision of Errazurizia Philippi, Psorothamnus Rydberg, Marine Liebmann, and Dalea Lucanus emen. Barneby, including all species of Leguminosae tribe Amorpheae Borissova ever referred to Dalea. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 27: 1-892.
Scientific Name
based on Dalea diffusa (diffuse, of the flowering panicle) Moric., Mem. Soc. Geneve 6: 536, Tab. VI. 1833. — "Hab. in nova His- pania (communiquee par M. Pavon)." — Holotypus, labelled "Nouvelle Espagne, M. Pavon, 1827", G! presumed isotypi, Sesse & Mocih
Dalea diffusa Moric., Trichopodium diffusum (Moric.) C.Presl, Carroa diffusa (Moric.) C.Presl, Parosela diffusa (Moric.) Rose, Dalea gracilis Kunth, Dalea ramosissima Benth., Trichopodium glandulosum C.Presl, Carroa grandulosa C.Presl
Species Description - Characters as given in key; n = 10 (Spellenberg). — Collections: 46 (viii).
Distribution and Ecology - Brushy hillsides, hedgerows, and openings in oak woodlands, 200-1800 m (± 650-6000 ft), widespread and locally common along the w. slope of Sierra Madre Occidental from Nayarit to Rio Bavispe in n. Sonora, and extreme s. Arizona (Kearney & Peebles, 1960, p. 436), e. along the s. slope of the Transverse Volcanic Belt to s. Mexico and adjoining Morelos and Guerrero (but partly replaced in this segment of its range by var. radiolata, q. v.); also, perhaps disjunctly, in Sierra Madre del Sur from s.-centr. Guerrero to s. Oaxaca; one station in Guatemala (dept. Guatemala), but not yet reported from Chiapas. — Flowering September to February, rarely from mid-August n.-ward.
(Plate XXIV)
In the key to the varieties the normal flower-number in primary racemes of var. diffusa is given as 6-10, correct for the material seen from western and south-central Mexico. In Sierra Madre del Sur from southern Michoacan (Langlasse 753, MICH) eastward, the primary racemes are often reduced to four or five flowers, quickly succeeded by racemes of only three, two, or one. The one known collection from Guatemala (Aceituna, dept. Guatemala, cited above) is like the latter, except that the individual flower is very small, with calyx ± 2.5 mm, androecium only ± 5.5 mm long. These populations, known from rather incomplete material, require investigation in the field; and on revision will need to be compared with the original Trichopodium glandulosum of Presl. The protologue of T. glandulosum describes the pedicels as solitary, axillary, and 2-4 lines (= 4-8 mm) long; the pedicels, however, as shown in the plate published subsequently under the name Carroa glandulosa, are in reality 1-flowered peduncles. No example of such extreme reduction of all racemes has been collected since, and the exact identity of T. glandulosum cannot be determined at the present time. That it is very closely related to Dalea diffusa Moric. was recognized from the first, and I can find nothing in the description that would exclude it from that species, sensu lato.
In central Mexico var. diffusa is one of several marinas known as escoba or escobilla, the tough, pliant twigs being tied in fasces and used as brooms. Diguet records the usage limoncillo in Jalisco, a word applied in Sonora to the agreeably fragrant Dalea lumholtzii. Ortega and Mexia independently record cadillo in Sinaloa, and Gentry heard popotillo in Sonora, another name shared by a sympatric Dalea. The number of vernacular names testifies to the conspicuous and idiosyncratic appearance of the plants.
See also comment on Psoralea laevigata S. & M. in Appendix I.
Mexico North America| Sonora Mexico North America| Chihuahua Mexico North America| Sinaloa Mexico North America| Durango Mexico North America| Nayarit Mexico North America| Jalisco Mexico North America| Michoacán Mexico North America| Colima Mexico North America| Guerrero Mexico North America| Morelos Mexico North America| Oaxaca Mexico North America| Guatemala Central America|