Calliandra foliolosa Benth.

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Authority

    Barneby, Rupert C. 1998. Silk tree, guanacaste, monkey's earring: A generic system for the synandrous Mimosaceae of the Americas. Part III. Calliandra. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74: 1-223.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Calliandra foliolosa Benth.

  • Type

    "Brazil, Sello, near Formigas in Minas Geraes, Gardner, n. 4525." — Lectotypus, Gardner 4525, collected 11-13 Jul 1839 (fl) near the present Montes Claros, Minas Gerais (±17°S, 44°W), K (hb. Benth.)! = NY Neg. 7977; isotypus, K (hb. Hook.)!; paratypus, Se

  • Synonyms

    Calliandra diademata Lem., Calliandra sancti-pauli Hassk., Calliandra macrocephala var. foliolosa Benth., Calliandra tweediei var. sancti-pauli (Hassk.) Benth., Calliandra hirsuta (G.Don) Benth.

  • Description

    Species Description - Arborescent shrubs 2-7(-8) m with pallid glabrous annotinous and older branches, the new stems and lf- axes silky-pilose with mostly straight, in age more flexuous, slender lustrous hairs to 0.7-1.8 mm, the narrow crowded subconcolorous, facially glabrous lfts silky-ciliate or finally glabrate, the umbelliform capitula arising singly and geminate from the axil of coeval lvs low on homotinous long-shoots. Stipules papery brown striate, elliptic obtuse or acute 7-17 mm, loosely involute, mostly deciduous at maturity of associated If. Lf-formula v-ix/30-57(-60); lf-stks and pinnae pliantly sinuous when expanding, when mature stiff straight, the former 4.5-9.5(—11) cm, the petiole 8-22 mm, the ventral groove continuous between pinna-pairs, the longer interpinnal segments 5-14 mm; pinnae proximally decrescent, thence sub- equilong, the longer distal ones becoming 3-6(-6.5) cm, the longer interfoliolar segments 0.4-1.1 mm; lfts decrescent at each end of rachis or only distally, either contiguous or narrowly imbricate, sessile or nearly so against rachis, the pulvinule 0.1-0.2 mm, the blade linear from obtusangulate or obtusely auriculate base, acute or apiculate, straight or almost so, the larger ones 4.5-9.5 x 0.7-1.4(-l.7) mm, (5-)5.5-8 times as long as wide; midrib slightly displaced forward from middle of blade, simple or weakly pinnate, the secondary venules widely divergent, the venation pro- minulous only beneath. Peduncles 2.5-5.5 cm; bract resembling stipules but smaller, caducous; capitula (3—)5—13-fld, the fls usually dimorphic, the peripheral ones cuneate in outline and ± pedicellate, 1-2 terminal ones (sub)sessile, broadly campanulate, the receptacle 1.5-3 mm; bracts subtending 1-3 outermost fls linear-oblanceolate 4-8.5 mm, deciduous; PERIPHERAL FLS: pedicel (0.6-)l-4 mm; perianth thinly pilose, especially distally, with white or partly ferruginous hairs, weakly arborescently venulose, not striate; calyx 4.5-7 mm, the ovate or lanceolate teeth 1.6-3.5 mm; corolla vase-shaped (7.5—)8—11(—13.5) mm, the ovate lobes 2.2-3.5 mm; androecium 26-44- merous, 43-55 mm, the stemonozone 0.7-1.6 mm, the tube 1.5-4.5(-5.5) mm, the tassel white or pale pink proximally, pink or crimson distally; ovary at anthesis either glabrous or barbellate distally; CENTRAL FL(S): perianth scarcely longer than that of peripheral fls, but broader and calyx rounded at base; androecium to 64-merous; intrastaminal nectary 5- lobed, to 2 mm. Pods 1—2(—3) per capitulum, erect, in profile (4.5-)6-9 x 0.7-11 cm, the thickened sutural ribs and the recessed valves woody throughout, vertically venulose, densely pilose-tomentulose overall with silvery-gray or rufescent hairs; seeds (little known) oblong-obovoid, plumply compressed, 8-9.5 (-10) x 4.5-5 mm, the testa brown, sometimes fuscous-spotted, the U-shaped pleurogram 5-5.5 mm.

    Distribution and Ecology - In dense moist lowland forest and ascending in gallery woodland to 1000 m, surviving in second- growth woodland on moist soils, locally plentiful in the valleys of middle Paraguai, lower Paraná, and upper Uruguay rivers in s.-e. Paraguay, n.-e. Argentina (Misiones), and adj. Brazil, thence n. in Brazil in scattered stations to s.-w. Goiás (Caiapônia) and centr. Minas Gerais (Monte Claros, the type-locality). — Map 13. — Fl. VII-IX(-?).

    Relationships - Calliandra foliolosa resembles C. tweedii in boatshaped, brown, striate stipules, and in coeval expansion of leaves and flowers, but differs in prevailingly higher leaf-formula, capitula arising directly from axils of new leaves rather than from the axils of efoliate stipules, and especially in the white-and-pink, not completely red tassel of filaments. In few examples dissected, the thick distal flower of C. foliolosa had a pronounced five-lobed disc around the base of the ovary, whereas the corolla of C. tweedii was merely thickened internally in the region of the stemonozone.

  • Common Names

    Maricá, Cabela de anjo, Angico, Sarandi, Niño azote

  • Distribution

    Misiones Argentina South America| Goiás Brazil South America| Minas Gerais Brazil South America| Uruguay South America| Paraguay South America|