Zygia turneri (McVaugh) Barneby & J.W.Grimes
Rupert C. Barneby
Barneby, Rupert C. & Grimes, James W. 1997. Silk tree, guanacaste, monkey's earring: A generic system for the synandrous Mimosaceae of the Americas. Part II.
, , and . Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74: 1-149. -
Scientific Name
Jal[isco]... between Bahia de Navidad and La Manzanilla, McVaugh 20908." — Holotypus, MICH n.v.; isotypi, CAS!, NY!.
Pithecellobium turneri McVaugh
Species Description - Macrophyllidious trees ±10 m tall with gray-white branchlets, bifoliolate lvs, and hemispherical capitula of white fls arising from the axil of lately fallen lvs, glabrous throughout or becoming so, the ample thin-textured lfts dull olivaceous, paler beneath. Stipules deltate-ovate acute 0.4—1 mm, in age pallid and thickened but not spinescent, finally deciduous. Lf-formula i/1; lf-stks 6-24 mm, at middle <1 mm diam; a cupular, round or elliptic nectary 0.7-1.1 mm diam sessile at apex of petiole and of each pinna-rachis, these 3-13(—18) mm; lft-pulvinules 0.6-1 mm; lfts broad-elliptic from inequilaterally cuneate base, short-acuminate, the larger ones 4—8.5(—11) x 2—4 cm, the margin undulate; midrib nearly straight and subcentric, pinnately branched, the slender, widely ascending secondary nerves 4—7 on each side, the tertiary venulation fine and faint. Peduncles solitary 8-15 mm; capitula 12—22-fld, the receptacle ±1.5 mm diam; bracts triangular <1 mm, persistent; fls sessile, the white perianth glabrous except for minutely brown-puberulent calyx-teeth and papillate tip of corolla-lobes; calyx deeply campanulate ±2-3 x 0.71 mm, the teeth 0.2 mm; corolla ±7-9 mm, the tube narrowly cylindric, the ovate lobes unequal, 0.5-1.5 mm; androecium ±44-merous, 17-23 mm, the tube ±13-16 mm, the anthers ±0.3-0.4 mm diam; intrastaminal disc 0.5 mm, shallowly lobulate; ovary sessile, glabrous at anthesis. Pods (immature, ex char.) sessile, in profile broad-linear recurved, planocom-pressed, the valves puberulent.
Distribution and Ecology - In deciduous forest or palm forest below 200 m, local on plains and low hills of the Pacific coast of Mexico in S Jalisco and adj. Colima (long. 103°45- 104°45'W). — Not mapped. — Fl. VI-XI.
Jalisco Mexico North America| Colima Mexico North America|