Havardia albicans (Benth.) Britton & Rose

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Authority

    Barneby, Rupert C. & Grimes, James W. 1996. Silk tree, guanacaste, monkey's earring: a generic system for the synandrous Mimosaceae of the Americas. Part I. Abarema, Albizia, and allies. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74: 1-292.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Havardia albicans (Benth.) Britton & Rose

  • Type

    "... inlitore Maris Antillarum, prope Campeche Mexicanorum." -Holotypus, P-HBK!

  • Description

    Species Description - Microphyllidious trees 4.5-12 m, with trunk attaining 2-3 dm dbh, erratically armed at nodes with stiffly ascending, either subulate, or slenderly conical, or acicular, or in age lignescent and vulnerant stipules, but the young stems often unarmed; vesture of fine short pallid hairs, the alternate lfts strongly bicolored, dark matte-green above, finely silky-strigulose beneath and often with tuft of hairs in antrorse basal angle of midrib, the small, few-fld capitula fasciculate, mostly in the axils of hysteranthous lvs, on branches of a terminal panicle, but some axillary to developed lvs, the branching pattern of each season sympodial. Stipules ascending, straight, linear-subulate or acicular and terete 0.8-3 mm to woody and sometimes compressed and up to 7.5 mm, these long-persistent. Lf-formula vi-xi(-xii)/23-36; lf-stks of major lvs 5-9 cm, the petiole 16-28 mm, the longer interpinnal segments ±5-10 mm; nectary near midpetiole sessile, hemispherical or half-ellipsoid, obtuse, dimpled at apex, 1.1-2.2 mm diam, in profile 0.4-0.8 mm tall, a similar scarcely smaller nectary at tip of some lf-stks and a yet smaller, more cupular one at tip of random pinna-rachises; pinnae a little decrescent at each end of lf-stk, the rachis of the penultimate pair 3-5.5 cm, the longer interfoliolate segments 1-2.2 mm; a pair of minute ascending paraphyllidia at apex of each pinna-pulvinus; lft-pulvinules 0.2-0.5 mm; lfts subequilong except at very ends of rachis, linear or linear-oblong from deeply semi-cordate-auriculate base, deltately subacute, straight or slightly porrect, the larger ones (3.5-)4-8 x (0.8-)1.1-2 mm, ±3.5-5 times as long as wide; venation simple, of usually porrectly arcuate midrib strongly excentric at base becoming nearly centric distally, this prominulous beneath only, sometimes giving rise to 2-3 faint pairs of secondary nerves, the whole venation then incipiently pinnate. Peduncles very slender, fasciculate by 2-8, the longer ones of a fascicle 7-12 mm; capitula densely 6—10(—1 l)-fld, the receptacle not over 1 mm, the sessile fls homomorphic, the 5-merous perianth finely gray-silky-strigulose overall; bracts ovate or oblanceolate, convex dorsally, 0.7-1.3 mm, becoming dry but persistent into anthesis, then deciduous; calyx subhemispherical 1.7-2 mm, nearly as wide, the depressed-deltate obtuse teeth 0.25-0.4 mm; corolla campanulate 3-3.8 mm, the recurving lobes 1.2-2 x 0.9-1.3 mm; androecium 34-42-merous, 10-12.5 mm, the stemonozone obscure or to 0.45 mm, the tube 1.5-2 mm, sometimes thickened internally at very base, but nectariferous disc not developed, the exserted filaments white; ovary shortly stipitate, glabrous, not sulcate laterally, tapering into the style. Pods mostly solitary, occasionally 2-3 per capitulum, in profile broad-linear straight 10-15 x 1.8-2 cm, cuneately contracted at base into a pseudostipe 5-9 mm and more abruptly so at apex into an erect, narrowly subulate (fragile, easily broken) beak 3-7 mm, 8-12-seeded, the stiff crustaceous valves framed by straight, bluntly tricarinate sutures ±1.5-2 mm wide, low-convex (alternately depressed and elevated lengthwise) over each seed, densely pubescent with variously proportioned short plain hairs and clavate or dilated and coralloid, red or rufous trichomes, appearing fuscous-gray-tomentulose or rufous-tomentulose overall, within pallid but not satiny, the cavity continuous; dehiscence tardy, inert, through both sutures; funicle dilated, sigmoid under the seed, this not seen fully ripe but seemingly discoid, the pleurogram complete.

    Distribution and Ecology - In drought-deciduous woodland or thorn-scrub, and sometimes in swamp-forest, below 150 m, SE Mexico (Campeche, Yucatán, Quintana Roo, N Chiapas), NE Guatemala (Petén), and N Belize (Corozal distr.). — Map 46. — Fl. VI—VIII.

    Local Names and Uses - Chucum, salom.

  • Common Names

    Chucum, salom.

  • Distribution

    Campeche Mexico North America| Yucatán Mexico North America| Quintana Roo Mexico North America| Chiapas Mexico North America| Petén Guatemala Central America| Corozal Belize Central America|