
  • Authority

    Lleras, Eduardo. 1978. Trigoniaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 19: 1-73. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name


  • Type

    Type species. Trigonia villosa Aublet

  • Synonyms

    Nuttallia, Mainea

  • Description

    Description - Treelets, shrubs, or scandent shrubs, the branches terete, and conspicuously lenticellate. Leaves simple, opposite, petiolate, the margins entire; stipules interpetiolar, deciduous or caducous, often connate, simple or bifid at the apex. Inflorescences thyrses, panicles or racemes. Fipwers ultimately disposed in dichasia (simple or compound), cymes or cincinni; bracts glandular or eglandular at the margins; sepals 5, quincuncial; unequal; petals 5, contorted, unequal, papilionaceous, fertile stamens 5-8, staminodes present or absent, when present to 4, the Filaments connate at base, the anthers basifixed, bilocular, introrse, dehiscing along a central slit; pollen 3-4 porate, smooth; glands usually 2, lobed, sometimes laciniate; ovary 1-, 3- or 4-locular, when 1-locular by reduction of the lateral septa, these when present fused or open at the center; central column absent; ovules numerous to few in each locule, biseriate, anatropous, attached to the interior ends of the lateral septa. Fruit a septicidal capsule, dehiscing (in situ) from the apex towards the base. Seeds 2 to several per locule, pubescent.

  • Distribution

    Southern Mexico to northern Paraguay, usually in low-altitude forests. The pubescent seeds, suggestive of wind dispersal, as well as collection data and personal observations, seem to indicate that this genus is restricted to open forest edges or gallery forests. It is usually recorded from river margins, edges of clearings, and along roadsides and other disturbed areas.

    Mexico North America| Paraguay South America| Central America| Peru South America| Bolivia South America| Colombia South America| Ecuador South America| Brazil South America|