Agarista nummularia (Cham. & Schltdl.) G.Don

  • Authority

    Luteyn, James L., et al. 1995. Ericaceae, Part II. The Superior-Ovaried Genera (Monotropoideae, Pyroloideae, Rhododendroideae, and Vaccinioideae P.P.). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 66: 560. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Agarista nummularia (Cham. & Schltdl.) G.Don

  • Type

    Type. Brazil. Rio Grande do Sul: Porto Alegre (see Meisner in Martius, 1863), Sellow 1229 (holotype, B, destroyed; frag. of holotype, F; photos of holotype, F, G, GH; isotype, G-DC, n.v.).

  • Synonyms

    Leucothoe nummularia var. floccigera Sleumer, Andromeda nummularia Cham. & Schltdl., Leucothoe nummularia (Cham. & Schltdl.) DC.

  • Description

    Species Description - Erect shrub or subshrub to 2 m tall, with bark usually not well developed; twigs with or without scattered gland-headed hairs, otherwise sparsely to densely pubescent, with hollow to irregularly chambered pith; buds to ca. 1.2 mm long, leaves revolute. Leaves coriaceous, ovate to elliptic or orbicular, 0.5-1.5(-2.3) × 0.5-1.6(-2) cm, base cordate to ± truncate (rounded), apex obtuse- to retuse-mucronate (short-acuminate), margin entire to serrulate due to gland-headed hairs (slightly sinuous), plane to very slightly revolute near base, adaxial surface with or without gland-headed hairs, otherwise sparsely pubescent on basal portion of midvein, abaxial surface with or without gland-headed hairs on midvein and blade, otherwise glabrous to sparsely pubescent on basal portion of midvein (with few very inconspicuous glandular dots along midvein); petiole 0.5-2.5 mm long. Inflorescences axillary racemes to 1.5-8 cm long; rachis with or without scattered gland-headed hairs, otherwise densely pubescent; pedicels 4-11 mm long, with or without glandheaded hairs, otherwise densely pubescent; bracteoles 2, alternate to opposite, from nearly basal to within lower 1/3 of pedicel, narrowly triangular to linear, ovate, or elliptic, to ca. 2.5 mm long; floral bracts to 3 mm long. Flowers with triangular calyx lobes, with acuminate to acute apices, (2.1-)2.5-5 × 0.7-1.7(-2.2) cm, abaxial surface with or without gland-headed hairs, otherwise sparsely to densely pubescent; corolla cylindrical, white, 7-10.5 × 2.5-5 mm, glabrous; filaments 4.5-5.5 mm long; anthers 1-1.7 mm long; ovary densely pubescent. Capsules short-ovoid to subglobose, 3.5-5 × 5-7 mm, placentae subapical; seeds 1.3-2.3 mm long.

  • Discussion

    Agarista nummularia is closely related to A. chlorantha, A. hispidula, A. ericoides, and possibly also A. virgata; it can be separated from A. chlorantha, A. hispidula, and A. ericoides by its flat, nonrevolute leaves (Marques & Klein, 1975: pl. 10; Judd, 1984), and from A. virgata by its sparsely to densely pubescent inflorescence rachis, pedicels, and ovaries and its capsules with subapical placentae. These species are essentially geographically isolated. Agarista nummularia may also be confused with smallleaved individuals of A. pulchella, a species with shorter calyx lobes that grows to the north of the range of A. nummularia (Figs. 5B & 11 A).

    The geographical range of Agarista nummularia falls just outside the boundaries of this flora; because this is the only South American species of the genus with a completely extratropical distribution, it has been included here.

  • Objects

    Specimen - 639078, B. Rambo 36724, Agarista nummularia (Cham. & Schltdl.) G.Don, Ericaceae (261.0), Magnoliophyta; South America, Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul

  • Distribution

    SE Brazil, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. Rocky areas, bogs, wet forests, and moist thickets; 10-1650 m elev. Flowering (August) September through December (January).

    Brazil South America| Rio Grande do Sul Brazil South America| Santa Catarina Brazil South America|