Agarista albiflora (B.Fedtsch. & Basil.) Judd

  • Authority

    Luteyn, James L., et al. 1995. Ericaceae, Part II. The Superior-Ovaried Genera (Monotropoideae, Pyroloideae, Rhododendroideae, and Vaccinioideae P.P.). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 66: 560. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Agarista albiflora (B.Fedtsch. & Basil.) Judd

  • Type

    Type. Colombia. Boyaca: Nr. Soata, Apr 1843, Linden 1322 (holotype, LE, n.v.; isotypes, BR, n.v., F, G, n.v., K, NY, P, US, W, n.v.).

  • Synonyms

    Leucothoe columbiana Sleumer, Leucothoe andina Sleumer, Leucothoe albiflora B.Fedtsch. & Basil.

  • Description

    Species Description - Shrub to 3 m tall; twigs with or without scattered gland-headed hairs, otherwise moderately pubescent, with ± nonchambered pith; buds to ca. 1.5 mm long, leaves revolute. Leaves coriaceous, ovate to elliptic, (0.9-)1.6-7 × (0.4-)0.8-2.7 cm, base widely cuneate to cordate, apex acute- to rounded-mucronate, margin entire (slightly undulate), plane to very slightly (strongly) revolute, adaxial surface with or without gland-headed hairs on midvein, otherwise sparsely to moderately pubescent on midvein (also sparsely pubescent on lamina and along margin), abaxial surface with or without gland-headed hairs on midvein, otherwise very sparsely to moderately pubescent on midvein, usually with few to many inconspicuous glandular dots along midvein; petiole 2-8 mm long. Inflorescences axillary racemes to 3-10 cm long; rachis with or without scattered gland-headed hairs, otherwise sparsely to moderately pubescent; pedicels 2-7.5 mm long, with or without gland-headed hairs, otherwise moderately pubescent; bracteoles 2, opposite to subopposite, basal or nearly so, narrowly triangular, to ca. 0.8 mm long; floral bracts to 1 mm long. Flowers with triangular calyx lobes, with acuminate apices, 0.7-1.8 × 0.6-1.1 mm, abaxial surface sparsely to moderately pubescent; corolla cylindrical to urceolate-cylindrical, white (red tinged at tip, or red), 49 × 2-3.5 mm, glabrous; filaments 2.5-5 mm long; anthers 1-1.5 mm long; ovary sparsely to densely pubescent. Capsules subglobose to short-ovoid, 3-5.5 × 4-7.5 mm, placentae subapical; seeds 1.5-2 mm long.

  • Discussion

    Agarista albiflora is rather variable in leaf size and shape, and in the degree to which the margins are revolute. It probably is related most closely to A. subcordata and A. bracamorensis. It can be distinguished from the former by its often larger leaves and its inflorescence axes, which have usually elongated, straight to curled, unicellular hairs, and from the latter by its much larger, usually nonrevolute leaves and its often longer pedicels. Agarista albiflora may also be confused with A. revoluta and A. duckei (see key for distinguishing characters).

  • Objects

    Pending, S. López-Palacios 768, Agarista albiflora (B.Fedtsch. & Basil.) Judd, Ericaceae (261.0), Magnoliophyta; South America, Venezuela, Mérida

    Pending, F. R. Fosberg 23072, Agarista albiflora (B.Fedtsch. & Basil.) Judd, Ericaceae (261.0), Magnoliophyta; South America, Ecuador, Loja

    Pending, H. Jorgensen JP-55, Agarista albiflora (B.Fedtsch. & Basil.) Judd, Ericaceae (261.0), Magnoliophyta; South America, Ecuador, Loja

    Pending, J. L. Luteyn 11394, Agarista albiflora (B.Fedtsch. & Basil.) Judd, Ericaceae (261.0), Magnoliophyta; South America, Peru, Amazonas

    Specimen - 10131, J. J. Linden 1322, Leucothoe albiflora B.Fedtsch. & Basil., Ericaceae (261.0), Magnoliophyta, isotype; South America, Colombia, Boyacá

  • Distribution

    Northern Andes from Venezuela and Colombia south to Peru. Moist montane forests, dwarf forests, rocky areas with scattered shrubs; 1800-2500 m elev. Flowering April to September.

    Colombia South America| Boyacá Colombia South America| Magdalena Colombia South America| Venezuela South America| Mérida Venezuela South America| Táchira Venezuela South America| Ecuador South America| Loja Ecuador South America| Peru South America| Amazonas Peru South America| Cajamarca Peru South America|