Tecoma sambucifolia Kunth

  • Authority

    Gentry, Alwyn H. 1992. Bignoniaceae--part II (Tribe Tecomeae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 25: 1-370. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Tecoma sambucifolia Kunth

  • Type

    Type. Peru. Montan, Humboldt & Bonpland 3672 (P).

  • Synonyms

    Stenolobium sambucifolium (Kunth) Seem.

  • Description

    Species Description - Shrub 1-3(-4.5) m tall, the branchlets glabrous except for a few inconspicuous lepidote scales to puberulous. Leaves pinnate, (1-)3-11 -foliolate, the leaflets closely serrate, elliptic, apically obtuse to more or less acute, basally cuneate, the laterals 0.8-4(-5.5) cm long, 0.3-1.8(-2.3) cm wide, equal-sized, the terminal slightly larger and more acute (to 8.5 x 3.5 cm), scattered lepidote above and below, usually puberulous below, at least along midvein and sometimes sparsely over surface, above usually slightly puberulous along base of midvein, often with a few tiny marginal trichomes, occasionally completely glabrous, chartaceous to paler olive below, the rachis canaliculate, the petiole mostly 1-6 cm long, glabrous to puberulous, usually with kinky, in part branching, trichomes, the lateral petiolules 1-6 mm long. Inflorescence a terminal raceme or several racemes in axils of uppermost leaves or with two racemose basal branches from lower node of the terminal raceme, more or less lepidote, otherwise almost completely glabrous to rather densely puberulous, in part with forked or branching trichomes. Flowers with the calyx cupular, evenly 5-denticulate, the ca. 1 mm long teeth apiculate, 4-6 mm long, 3-5 mm wide, usually sparsely lepidote and otherwise glabrous except a few minute trichomes along margin, sometimes also conspicuously puberulous with twisting trichomes, usually with a few large plateshaped glands near margin; corolla yellow with reddish pencilling in throat, tubular-campanulate above a narrowed base, 2.5-4.5(-5) cm long, 0.8-1.4(-1 .7) cm wide at mouth of tube, the tube 2-3.5(-4) cm long, the lobes 0.5-1 cm long, completely glabrous outside, inside puberulous with rather scurfy, in part gland-tipped, trichomes in floor of tube, also gland-tipped pubescent at stamen insertion, the lobes more or less ciliate, becoming strongly pilose with kinky trichomes in sinuses; stamens included, didynamous, the thecae divaricate, 3-4 mm long, sparsely pilose or puberulous, the extended connective 0.5 mm long; pistil 2.5-3.5 cm long, the ovary linear-oblong, 2-3 mm long, 1 mm wide, glabrous; disk cupular-pulvinate, 0.5 m long, 1.5 m wide. Fruit a linear capsule, tapering at ends, the calyx caducous, 10-31 cm long, 16-12 mm wide, glabrous or with a few inconspicuous lepidote scales, strongly raised-lenticellate, the pale lenticels contrasting with dark brown surface; seeds thin, bi-alate, 7-10 mm long, 15-27 mm wide, the wings hyaline-membranaceous, sharply demarcated from seed body.

  • Discussion

    This is a higher altitude replacement for T. stans from which it differs consistently only in the elliptic (rather than lanceolate) leaflets with non-acuminate (but sometimes distinctly acute) apices. A form from 3000 m in Huancavelica (Plowman & Davis 4640, Tovar 1397) has especially acute-tipped nearly lanceolate leaflets and is separable from T. stans only on faith. Collections from the Apurimac Valley and Urubamba Valley in southern Peru also tend to be intermediate between T. stans and T. sambucifolia. Like T. arequipensis, T. sambucifolia shows allopatric differentiation in leaf shape and pubescence in different inter-Andean valleys, but these differences seem too minor and overlapping for taxonomic recognition. In fact, T. sambucifolia itself may not be adequately differentiated from T. stans for specific recognition.

  • Common Names

    huaraulla, cando, yerckana, huaranhuay, kalawala, huaranhuai

  • Distribution

    Andes of Peru and southernmost Ecuador, mostly occurring in dry mesic parts of inter-Andean valleys; from 1500-3500 m.

    Ecuador South America| Azuay Ecuador South America| Peru South America| Ancash Peru South America| Apurímac Peru South America| Arequipa Peru South America| Ayacucho Peru South America| Cajamarca Peru South America| Cusco Peru South America| Huánuco Peru South America| Junín Peru South America| La Libertad Peru South America| Lambayeque Peru South America| Lima Peru South America|