Calceolaria mexicana Benth.

  • Authority

    Molau, Ulf. 1988. Scrophulariaceae Part I. Calceolarieae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 47: 1-325. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Calceolaria mexicana Benth.

  • Type

    Type. Mexico. Michoacaán: An-gangueo, E of Morelia, 1838, Hartweg 356 (lectotype, K; isotypes, BM, CGE, E, G, L, LD, LE, NY, OXF, P).

  • Description

    Species Description - Decumbent or ascending herb, 0.1-0.6(-1) m tall. Leaves petiolate or sessile; blades usually deeply pinnatifid-lobed, dissected to % of their width (but never completely dissected to the midrib) with one or two pairs of lingulate lateral lobes, sometimes entire or subentire. Inflorescence with primary peduncles 2.5-15 cm, pedicels 1.3-2.2 cm. Sepals green, ovate or lanceolate, 2.3-5.9 x 1.2-3.8 mm, acute, the margins dentate. Corolla type XI, bright or (usually) deep yellow, unspotted; upper lip 1.5-3 x 2-4 mm; lower lip 5-14 x 3-10 mm, saccate in 85-90% of length, distally shallowly 3-lobed, dorsally with a horseshoe-shaped ridge surrounding the orifice, the throat glabrous; elaiophore small or absent. Stamens with anthers 1.6-4 mm long; thecae subequal, whitish, both fertile, both stalked, 0.41 mm long; connective elongated into two yellow to brown, divaricate, subequal connective arms 0.3-1.5 mm long; filaments 0.3-0.7 mm. Style straight or somewhat curved at apex, 0.7-1.4 mm. Capsule whitish-green, subglobose, 4-7 mm long, often wider than long, glandular-pilose.

  • Distribution

    Calceolaria mexicana is continuously distributed from Mexico to Bolivia. It is the commonest Calceolaria species in Mexico and Central America, but it is rare in Peru and Bolivia. Besides the widespread subsp. mexicana there are two ecologically specialized subspecies in the northernmost Andes.

    Mexico North America| Central America| Colombia South America| Ecuador South America| Peru South America| Bolivia South America|