Campylopus julicaulis Broth.
Frahm, Jan-Peter. 1991. Dicranaceae: Campylopodioideae, Paraleucobryoideae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 54: 1-238. (Published by NYBG Press)
Scientific Name
Type. Brazil. Parana: Roca Nova, Dusen 245 (holotype, H-BR; isotypes, FH, JE, NY).
Species Description - Plants slender, in loose tufts, light green. Stems erect, to 4 cm high, densely reddish tomentose, equally foliate giving the plants a filiform appearance. Leaves appressed to the stem when dry, erect patent when wet, 5 mm long, lanceolate, concave, with canaliculate tips, serrate at tips. Costa filling 2/3 of the leaf width, excurrent, in transverse section with ventral hyalocysts and a ventral band of stereids, ridged at back. Alar cells hyaline or brownish, thin-walled. Basal laminal cells rectangular, incrassate, 6-16 × 2654 µm, narrower at margins. Upper laminal cells small, subquadrate, incrassate, 6-10 × 10-16 µm. Sporophyte not known.
For 50 years this species was known only from the type locality in Paraná. Recently, however, it has been collected throughout SE Brazil, where it occurs on rotten wood, stems of fern trees and rocks between 300 and 2200 m.
Brazil South America| Bahia Brazil South America| Rio de Janeiro Brazil South America| Santa Catarina Brazil South America| São Paulo Brazil South America|