Rinorea macrocarpa (Mart. ex Eichler) Kuntze

  • Authority

    Hekking, W. H. A. 1988. violaceae Part l—Rinorea and Rinoreocarpus. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 46: i-ii, 1-208. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Rinorea macrocarpa (Mart. ex Eichler) Kuntze

  • Type

    Type. Brazil. Amazonas: s.d. (fr), Martius s.n. (lectotypus novus, M (105); isotypes M (106, 107, these numbers are written on small labels attached to the specimens).

  • Synonyms

    Alsodeia macrocarpa C.Mart. ex Eichler

  • Description

    Species Description - Tree or treelet, 1.5-10 m tall. Branchlets ferruginous pilose(ulous) or strig(ill)ose when young, glabrescent when older. Leaves apparently opposite, occasionally ternate; petioles 2-13 mm long, ferruginous hispid(ulous) above, ferruginous strig(ill)ose beneath; stipules deciduous, narrowly deltoid, 2.5-3 x 0.5-1 mm, herbaceous, ferruginous strig(ill)ose along the costa, ciliolate; lamina (narrowly) elliptic to (ob)ovate, acuminate to cuspidate, 5.5-21.5 x 2-9.25 cm, usually papery, glabrous on both sides; costa and lateral veins sparsely pilosulous to glabrescent above, ferruginous pilose(ulous) or strig(ill)ose to glabrescent beneath; domatia sometimes present; lateral veins 6-10(-12) pairs (acumen excluded); tertiary venation reticulate; base rounded to cuneate; margin subentire to (sub)crenate or (sub)serrate, mucronulate; acumen 0.5-2.75 cm long, apex subobtuse to acute, mucronulate. Inflorescences axillary, lateral and subterminal, solitary, racemose, 2-8.5 cm long, densiflorous; central axis greenish when fresh, golden to ferruginous puberulous or strigulose; flowers and fruits subsessile; ‘pedicels’ 0.5-1 x 0.25-0.75 mm, articulate at the base, sparsely appressed puberulous or strigulose; bracts and bractlets together at the base below the articulation, ovate to deltoid, herbaceous, glabrous or pilosulous to the apex, ciliolate, apex subobtuse to subacute, mucronulate; bracts 0.75-1 (-1.5) x 0.5-1 mm; bractlets 0.5-0.75 mm long and wide. Flower buds ovoid, obtuse. Flowers yellowish-white. Sepals subequal, ovate to deltoid, 0.75-1.5 x 0.51 mm, herbaceous, glabrous or pilose(ulous) at the apex, ciliolate, apex subobtuse. Petals narrowly ovate, acuminate, 3-4.5 x 1-1.5 mm, herbaceous, usually completely glabrous also along the margin, apex obtuse. Stamens 2-3 mm long; free parts of the filaments curved to outside, 0.51 x 0.23-0.5 mm, glabrous; filamental tube glandular, 0.1-0.3 mm high, carnose, glabrous; anthers ellipsoid to ovoid, 0.75-1 x 0.3-0.6 mm, apex obtuse, unappendaged; connective outside, narrowly ovate or deltoid to linear, (sub)obtuse, (0.6-)0.75-1.25 x (0.1-)0.25-0.5 mm, glabrous; connective scales lateral as well as apical, ovate to deltoid, (1-) 1.25-1.75 x 0.75-1 mm, scarious, transparent, yellow, margin and apex fringed, apex obtuse. Ovary conical, tapering into the style, 1-1.25 x ca. 0.75 mm, appressed ferruginous pilose(ulous); ovules two to three per placenta. Style conical near the base, stipitate near the apex, 2-3 mm long, ± equaling the stamens; stigma pulvinate. Capsule symmetric, ovoid to ellipsoid, acuminate, coriaceous to subligneous, greenish- to yellowish-white when fresh, often reddish to whitish punctate when dried, sparsely ferruginous hispidulous, obscurely veined; valves three, equal, (3-)3.25-5.75 x 0.6-1.25 cm. Seeds two to three per valve, globose, 4-10 mm in diam., usually glabrous, sometimes minutely pilosulous.

  • Discussion

    Rinorea macrocarpa can not be confused with any other species of neotropical Rinorea because of the combination of the following characters: (1) flowers and fruits subsessile; (2) free parts of filaments surmounted on a glandular tube; (3) connective scales transparent, yellowish and fringed along the whole margin; (4) ovary conical and tapering into a conical style; and (5) capsule elongated and acuminate, often reddish punctate.

    Distribution and Ecology: Widely spread over Amazonia s.l. (SE Colombia, S Venezuela, Brazil, N Peru), Roraima area, the upper basin of the Orinoco and the eastern part of the Guianas; expected in the western part of the Guianas. The species has reached the Andean region of Upper Amazonia. There are no records from the other side of the Cordilleras. It seems that the species did not succeed in passing the Cordilleras before the Pliocene uplift. It occurs in the understory of tropical rain forests of low-lands and submountainous regions from 0 to 600 m; some specimens have been collected on banks of rivers and creeks. Soil sandy to clayish, often mixed with humus. Probably flowering and fruiting throughout the year.

  • Common Names

    Akay-mota-yek, Bayoinia kohi, Baririkuti, Canella de Jacomín

  • Distribution

    Colombia South America| Amazonas Colombia South America| Vaupés Colombia South America| Guainía Colombia South America| Venezuela South America| Amazonas Venezuela South America| Bolívar Venezuela South America| Suriname South America| French Guiana South America| Peru South America| Loreto Peru South America| Brazil South America| Amapá Brazil South America| Amazonas Brazil South America| Pará Brazil South America| Roraima Brazil South America| Venezuela South America| Amazonas Venezuela South America| Bolívar Venezuela South America|