Rinorea bahiensis (Moric.) Kuntze

  • Authority

    Hekking, W. H. A. 1988. violaceae Part l—Rinorea and Rinoreocarpus. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 46: i-ii, 1-208. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Rinorea bahiensis (Moric.) Kuntze

  • Type

    Type. Brazil. Bahía: Vic. Salvador (Bahía), 1834 (fl, juv fr), Blanchet 1476 (lectotypus novus, G (herb. Moricand, specimen illustrated in Moricand, 1839: pl. 46; this specimen is characterized by having larger leaves than the specimen, which has been used for the type description); isotypes, F, G (herb. Moricand, herb, de Candolle)).

  • Synonyms

    Alsodeia bahiensis Moric.

  • Description

    Species Description - Tree or treelet, (2-)8-25 m tall. Branchlets sparsely pilosulous when young, glabrescent when older. Leaves alternate; petioles 3-7 mm long, appressed pilosulous when young, glabrescent when older; stipules deciduous, narrowly deltoid, 1-1.25 x 0.25-0.5 mm, herbaceous, strigulose along the costa, veined, ciliolate; lamina obovate to elliptic, acuminate to cuspidate, 310 x 1.5-5.5 cm, papery to coriaceous, glabrous on both sides with the costa sparsely strigulose near the base to completely glabrous; lateral veins 8-10 pairs (acumen excluded), glabrous on both sides; tertiary venation reticulate to scalariform; base rounded to cuneate, sometimes slightly decurrent into the petiole; margin (sub)entire, sometimes mucronulate; acumen 0-0.5 cm long, apex (sub)obtuse, sometimes mucronulate. Inflorescences axillary, lateral and subterminal, solitary, often accompanied by 1-2 distinctly smaller lateral inflorescences, thyrsoid, 3-9.5 x 1.56 cm; central axis yellowish puberulous; cymules 3-9 flowered, sometimes accompanied by 2-6 juvenile or undeveloped flowers; common peduncle 2-5 mm long, densely whitish to golden puberulous; ‘pedicels’ 2-5.5 mm long, articulate below the middle, densely yellowish puberulous; bracts and bractlets widely ovate to deltoid, herbaceous to carnose, yellowish velutinous, yellowish ciliolate, apex subacute to subobtuse; bracts 1-1.25 x 0.75-1.25 mm; bractlets 0.25-1.25 mm long and wide. Flower buds tolpoid to conical. Flowers drooping, white. Sepals subequal, ovate, 2-2.75 x 1.75-2 mm, herbaceous, carnose near the base, densely appressed yellowish velutinous on both sides (glabrous at the base inside), yellowish ciliolate, apex obtuse, mucronulate. Petals (narrowly) ovate, 4-4.25 x ca. 2 mm, herbaceous, appressed yellowish velutinous on both sides (glabrous at the base inside), sparsely ciliolate or glabrous along the margin, apex obtuse. Stamens 3.5-4 mm long; filaments and dorsal glands fused to a tube; filamental tube dorsally (0.1-)0.25-0.75 mm high, lobed along the apical margin, ventrally ca. 0.4 mm high, carnose, sparsely pilosulous to glabrescent; anthers ovoid, ca. 1.25 x ca. 1 mm, apex obtuse, appendaged by one or two cusps, the two free or partly to completely fused with each other, 0.2-0.4(-l) x 0.2-0.3 mm; connective outside ovate to deltoid, acute to obtuse, 0.75-1 x 0.6-0.7 mm, glabrous; connective scales lateral as well as apical, (narrowly) ovate to deltoid, ca. 3.25 x ca. 1.25 mm, scarious, orange-brown, subentire near the base, apex (sub)obtuse and suberose. Ovary subglobose to trapezoid, 1-1.25 x ca. 0.75 mm, yellowish hispidulous; ovules one per placenta. Style filiform, erect, slightly curved at the base, 2.5-2.75 mm long, exceeding the stamens by 0-0.25 mm, at the base yellowish strigulose; stigma obtuse to truncate. Juvenile fruits globose, densely yellowish strigulose.

  • Discussion

    For remarks differentiating Rinorea bicornuta, R. guianensis and R. paniculata, see under those species.

    Two specimens of Rinorea bahiensis collected in French Guiana (Mori 8878 and Oldeman B-813) have inflorescences and flowers with features distinctly referable to R. bahiensis, but their habit (e.g., their leaves) show similarities to R. guianensis, also not common there (its type specimen is the only known specimen). Introgressive hybridization of R. bahiensis with R. guianensis is presumed.

    Distribution and Ecology: Flowering period from August until January; fruiting specimens have been collected in June and December. Mainly found in the coastal region of Bahía and Espírito Santo (SE Brazil), it also occurs disjunct in French Guiana. These areas of distribution include the following forest refugia: (a) SE Brazil: Bahía; (b) French Guiana: Oyapock. Its characteristic SE Brazil-French Guiana disjunction is probably due to the same historical climatic factors as in the closely related species Rinorea guianensis. It is locally common in primary and disturbed rain forests, where it is often collected along creeks. In SE Brazil it prefers latossolo.

  • Common Names

    Cinzeiro, Quiro bravo , tambor

  • Distribution

    French Guiana South America| Brazil South America| Bahia Brazil South America| Espirito Santo Brazil South America|