Pimenta racemosa var. ozua (Urb. & Ekman) Landrum

  • Authority

    Landrum, Leslie R. 1986. Campomanesia, Pimenta, Blepharocalyx, Legrandia, Acca, Myrrhinium, and Luma (Myrtaceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 45: 1-178. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Pimenta racemosa var. ozua (Urb. & Ekman) Landrum

  • Type

    Type. Dominican Republic.  In prov, de Monte-Cristi in cordillera central prope Las Rosas ad Rio Artibonito 500 m alt., Ekman 6270 (holotype, B, lost; isotype at S hereby designated as lectotype; NY neg. 11586 of lectotype; isolectotypes, IJ, US).

  • Synonyms

    Amomis ozua Urb. & Ekman, Amomis anisomera Urb. & Ekman, Pimenta ozua (Urb. & Ekman) Burret, Pimenta anisomera (Urb. & Ekman) Burret

  • Description

    Variety Description - Leaves elliptic to oblong, 5.4-10.3(-16) cm long, 3-4.5 cm wide, 2-4 times as long as wide, glabrous or obscurely and sparsely pubescent. Inflorescence 4-12 cm long, the branches obscurely and sparsely pubescent; hypanthium 3-5 mm long, sparsely to densely covered with minute grey hairs; Calyx-lobes 1-1.2 mm long, 1.2-2.5 mm wide.

  • Discussion

    It has a strong turpentine to Eucalyptus-like odor and is used to perfume a disinfectant called “Puro Ozua,” manufactured in Moncion.

  • Common Names


  • Distribution

    Endemic to north central Hispaniola. I have seen this variety growing near Moncion, Dominican Republic in broad-leaved forest near streams and in fairly open woodlands dominated by pines and palms.

    Dominican Republic South America| Dajabón Dominican Republic South America| Santiago Dominican Republic South America|