Manilkara jaimiqui subsp. emarginata (L.) Cronquist
Pennington, Terence D. 1990. Sapotaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 52: 1-750. (Published by NYBG Press)
Scientific Name
Sloanea emarginata L., Achras sapota L., Sapota achras var. sphaerica A.DC., Achras zapotilla var. parvifolia Nutt., Mimusops parvifolia (Nutt.) Radlk., Mimusops floridana Engl., Achras bahamensis Baker, Mimusops bahamensis (Baker) Pierre, Mimusops depressa (A.DC.) Pierre, Mimusops emarginata Britton, Manilkara emarginata (L.) Britton & P.Wilson, Manilkara parvifolia (Nutt.) Dubard, Manilkara bahamensis (Baker) H.J.Lam & A.Meeuse, Achras emarginata (L.) Little, Mimusops sieberi Chapm.
Subspecies Description - Leaves usually 2-2.5 times as long as broad, base rounded or truncate, petiole mostly 1-2.5 cm long. Corolla 7-9.5 mm long, ovary appressed puberulous, 6-8-locular, style often glabrous. Field characters. A shrub or small tree to 6 m high with grey bark exuding copious white latex when cut. The foliage is often slightly glaucous on the lower surface. The flowers are without scent, or only slightly scented, cream or greenish-cream and the mature fruit is dull brown and rough-skinned. The subspecies flowers from Dec to Jun, with the fruit maturing Nov to Feb.
Common Names
wild dilly
U.S.A. (Florida) and the Bahama Archipelago. A coastal plant of scrubland and thickets in sandy places, coral outcrops, rock flats and cliffs, sometimes associated with mangrove plants such as Conocarpus.
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