Pourouma bicolor Mart. subsp. bicolor
Berg, Cornelius C., et al. 1990. Cecropiaceae: Coussapoa and Pourouma, with an introduction to the family. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 51: 1-208. (Published by NYBG Press)
Scientific Name
Throughout the Amazon Basin and the Guiana region, extending to northern Colombia; in non-inundated forest at low altitudes, in Bolivia up to ca. 900 m.
Pourouma aspera Trécul, Pourouma crassivenosa Mildbr., Pourouma lawrancei Standl., Pourouma schultesii Cuatrec., Pourouma camaratana Cuatrec.
Subspecies Description - Leafy twigs appressed-puberulous to strigose. Lamina entire to 3-lobed, sometimes 3-fid, occasionally (in subjuvenile material?) 5-parted; upper surface scabrous, sometimes smooth, lower surface smooth, sometimes scabridulous, the arachnoid hairs in the areoles and on the smaller veins or confined to the areoles, but then the smaller veins relatively thick and the spots of arachnoid hairs clearly separated; stipules inside glabrous, caducous. Pistillate inflorescences mostly with 3-25 flowers.
In and towards the eastern part of the species range (from Colombia to Bolivia) the arachnoid hairs on the lower leaf surface are confined to the areoles in combination with an increase of the thickness of the smaller veins, causing distinct separation of the "islets" of arachnoid indument. The transition of the normal form of subsp, bicolor, with the arachnoid indument extending over the relatively thin smaller veins to the form de scribed above, is rather gradual. Both forms may occur in the same region. In the eastern part of the species range the upper leaf surface is often smooth. See unnamed collection #1 (p. 193).
Common Names
cirpe hembra, sirpe hembra, cirpe macho, sirpe macho, cormi, caimaron de mico, otsepàcho tsáha, cucura, cucure, sadha’fhi, cay-bari-cay, cay-i-wari-cay-yek, sarasara, pourouma, puruma, paú shuina, tsakap suiya, imbaübarana, imbaübarana, tamaoquare, garguaba, mapatirana, uva menueda
Colombia South America| Amazonas Colombia South America| Vaupés Colombia South America| Antioquia Colombia South America| Boyacá Colombia South America| Meta Colombia South America| Putumayo Colombia South America| Santander Colombia South America| Vichada Colombia South America| Venezuela South America| Amazonas Venezuela South America| Bolívar Venezuela South America| Suriname South America| French Guiana South America| Ecuador South America| Napo Ecuador South America| Peru South America| Amazonas Peru South America| Loreto Peru South America| Brazil South America| Acre Brazil South America| Amapá Brazil South America| Amazonas Brazil South America| Mato Grosso Brazil South America| Pará Brazil South America| Rondônia Brazil South America| Roraima Brazil South America| La Paz Bolivia South America|