Schoepfia brasiliensis A.DC.

  • Authority

    Sleumer, Hermann O. 1984. Olacaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 38: 1-159. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Schoepfia brasiliensis A.DC.

  • Type

    Type. Brazil. Bahia: Igreja Velha, fl brachystyl. & dolichostyl., Blanchet 3360 (holotype, G, photo F neg. 27872; isotypes, B, BR, CW (or LE, holotype of S. nigricans), n.v., F, G, GOET, K, MG, MO, P).

  • Synonyms

    Schoepfia quintuplinervia Turcz., Schoepfia obliquifolia Turcz., Schoepfia nigricans Turcz., Ribeirea calophylla Allemão, Ribeirea calva Allemão, Ribeirea cupulata Allemão, Ribeirea elliptica Allemão, Schoepfia calophylla Allemão ex Glaz., Schoepfia calva Allemão ex Glaz., Schoepfia cupulata Allemão ex Glaz., Schoepfia elliptica Allemão ex Glaz.

  • Description

    Species Description - Glabrous shrub 1.2-3, or tree 4-6(rarely -12) m tall; trunk to 20 cm diam. Branchlets a little angled, striate, older parts early covered with whitish or grayish cork. Leaves variable in shape and size, often in the same specimen, or apparently according to ecological conditions, i.e. smaller in drier places, elliptic to ovate-elliptic, elliptic- or lanceolate-oblong, often complicate, apex shortly acuminate or attenuate, tip acute or obtuse, base broadly attenuate to obtuse or rounded, sometimes subinequilateral, the very base protracted to the petiole, firmly chartaceous to subcoriaceous, rarely coriaceous, olivaceous to dark brown, sometimes nigrescent and a little shiny above, or usually rather dull on both surfaces or beneath only in dry specimens, finely wrinkled and tuberculate mainly above, edge slightly to markedly revolute, in dry areas (2-)3-8 x (1 -)2-3 cm, under wet conditions to 11 x 5 cm, midrib strongly raised beneath only, lateral nerves 5-6(-7) pairs, the lowest 1 or 2 pair(s) from above the base of the lamina and more or less high curved-ascending, the upper pairs in part more straight and irregular, all nerves rather weakly raised on both surfaces or beneath only, reticulation of veins and veinlets hardly visible or subobscure on both surfaces; petiole 2-4(-8) x ca. 1 mm. Peduncles solitary or rarely geminate per axil, (3-)5-10 mm long, bearing at the end 2 or 3(-5) sessile glabrous or usually papillose-puberulent flowers. Bracts and bracteoles of the epicalyx adnate below only, ciliolate, ca. 1.3 mm long. Flower-axis ca. 2 mm long. Corolla glabrous, yellow or suffused with red, or cream, in the dolichostylous flowers urceolate-cylindric, ca. 6 mm long, 5-lobed in the upper 1/3, lobes erect or finally reflexed; corolla in the brachystylous flowers similar, usually ca. 5 mm long. Disk and top of ovary glabrous. Drupe ellipsoid or obovoidly so, yellow to red, 10-12(-14) x 8-10(-12) mm.

  • Discussion

    Distribution and Ecology: Venezuela (Anzoategui, Bolívar, Monagas), Brazil, and Argentina (Misiones); in gallery forest, caatinga, restinga, edge of woods bordering savannas or campos; in SE Brazil (Paraná) in Araucaria forest, also in cloud forest of the Atlantic side of the Serra do Mar, penetrating into its eastern parts i.e. occurring in woods of the campos of the planalto, 400-1300(-1500) m alt.

  • Distribution

    Venezuela South America| Anzoátegui Venezuela South America| Bolívar Venezuela South America| Monagas Venezuela South America| Brazil South America| Bahia Brazil South America| Ceará Brazil South America| Distrito Federal Brazil South America| Maranhão Brazil South America| Minas Gerais Brazil South America| Pará Brazil South America| Paraíba Brazil South America| Paraná Brazil South America| Pernambuco Brazil South America| Rio de Janeiro Brazil South America| Santa Catarina Brazil South America| São Paulo Brazil South America| Argentina South America| Misiones Argentina South America|