Cavendishia micayensis A.C.Sm.

  • Authority

    Luteyn, James L. 1983. Ericaceae--part I. Cavendishia. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 35: 1-290. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Cavendishia micayensis A.C.Sm.

  • Type

    Type. Colombia. Cauca: Micay Valley,  La Gallera, 1400-2100 m, 29-30 Jun 1922 (fl), Killip 7691 (holotype, GH, photo NY neg. 9067; isotype, US, photo NY neg. 9159).

  • Description

    Species Description - Terrestrial or epiphytic shrub to 2 m tall; mature branches terete, striate, glabrate; twigs subterete, complanate, hispid with pale tan hairs ca. 1 mm long; vegetative bracts coriaceous, often persistent, striate, reddish-brown, oblong, to 2.5 cm long. Leaves thickly coriaceous, elliptic, lance-elliptic, narrowly oblong-elliptic, or oblanceolate, (7-)10-25(-30) X (3-)4-10(-15.5) cm, basally obtuse or cuneate, apically short-acuminate often abruptly, margins slightly revolute, glabrous above but moderately to densely hispid beneath with hairs ca. 1 mm long; 3-7-plinerved, midrib impressed above and conspicuously raised beneath, secondary (lateral) nerves arising at or 1-4 cm above base, plane to impressed above but raised beneath, reticulate veinlets slightly raised on both surfaces; petioles subterete, rugose, hispid, 8-15 mm long and 2.5-4 mm in diam. Inflorescence cylindric, ca. 25-50-flowered, encircled at the base by numerous, subcoriaceous, striate, often ciliate, ovate to oblong-obovate bracts to 2 cm long; rachis subterete, glabrous or pilose at the conspicuously thickened nodes, 4-6(-10) cm long and ca. 3-5 mm in basal diam. becoming 7-12 mm in diam. distally; floral bracts: those of proximal 1/5-1/3 of the inflorescence subtending sterile nodes, moderately spaced, completely glabrous, glabrous but ciliate, pilose dorsally, or densely pilose dorsally and weakly pilose ventrally, those of distal 4/5-2/3 subtending fertile nodes, membranaceous, striate, glabrous, oblong-obovate, 25-30 X 10-13 mm, apically rounded and emarginate, distal 2-3 mm of lamina often reflexed at anthesis, densely but inconspicuously and deciduosly glandular-fimbriate dorsally, wine-red to carmen often white basally when fresh; pedicels 0-1.3 mm long; bracteoles usually lacking but in one population oblong, 4-10 X 1-2 mm, ciliate and marginally glandular-fimbriate. Flowers: calyx glabrous to densely pilose, usually glandular-fimbriate, (10-) 13-16(-20) mm long; hypanthium barrel-shaped, 2.5-4 mm long, basally truncate; limb somewhat infundibuliform, (7-) 10-15(-17) mm long; lobes narrowly triangular, acute, 3-6(-8) mm long, marginally glandular-fimbriate, usually ciliate; sinus obtuse; corolla cylindric, glabrous, (20-)30-37 mm long and ca. 8 mm in diam.; lobes deltoid to 3 mm long; stamens alternately 9-16.5 mm and 11-18 mm long; filaments glabrous or marginally pilose medially, alternately 1-3.5 mm and 3-6.5 mm long; anthers alternately 9-15.2 mm and 8-11.2 mm long; thecae slightly granular, 3-5 mm long; tubules dehiscing by short oval oblique pores 0.5-1 mm long; style to 40 mm long. Berry 15 mm in diam.

  • Discussion

    Cavendishia micayensis has a cylindric inflorescence which may become very large and gross with diameter of 6-7 cm when fresh. The floral bracts usually fold back (revolute) at the tips and split (probably from pressure caused by the enlarging inflorescence). Furthermore, the calyx has flat, separate lobes and an obtuse sinus at anthesis, but after the corolla falls (rarely before) the lobes begin to fold lengthwise thereby appearing linear-lanceolate. Later the entire upper part of the calyx limb may twist causing the lobes to become slightly imbricate.

    Cavendishia micayensis displays considerable morphological variation over its geographical range, especially with regard to leaf nervation, pubescence, and apex shape; floral bract and calyx pubescence and presence or absence of glandular fimbriae; rachis length and pubescence; and presence or absence of bracteoles. Often each collection displays minor degrees of difference in the above features. I do not feel, however, that these differences merit taxonomic recognition.

    The relationships of C. micayensis to C. chlamydantha are briefly mentioned with the discussion of the latter.

  • Common Names

    chaquilulo, flor de quinde

  • Distribution

    A terrestrial or epiphytic sometimes lianoid shrub endemic to the western slopes of the Cordillera Occidental from S Chocó Dept., Colombia to Carchi Prov., Ecuador. Cavendishia micayensis inhabits cloud forest at elevations of 450-2100 m. Flowering occurs from February to August; fruits have been collected in February, May, and June.

    Colombia South America| Chocó Colombia South America| Valle Colombia South America| Cauca Colombia South America| Nariño Colombia South America| Ecuador South America| Carchi Ecuador South America|