Aniba desertorum (Nees) Mez
Kubitzki, K. & Renner, Susanne S. 1982. Lauraceae I (Aniba and Aiouea). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 31: 1-125. (Published by NYBG Press)
Scientific Name
T: Carl Martius - s.n. (MO). T: Martius s.n.; no date; Brazil (M).
Aydendron desertorum Nees, Aydendron desertorum var. glabratum Meisn., Ocotea desertorum Mart. ex Nees, Ocotea obtusifolia Mart. ex Nees, Aniba pulcherrima Kubitzki & Heringer
Species Description - Small tree, branchlets densely yellowish or rusty-tomentose-lanuginose, 2-3 mm thick, glabrescent; terminal bud tomentose, ca. 4 mm long. Leaves evenly distributed along branchlets, coriaceous or rigid-coriaceous, obovate-elliptical or obovate-lanceolate, 2-3.8 times longer than wide, 7-19 x 2.5-7 cm, acute towards base, abruptly subcordate or rounded at base, margin recurved, apex rounded or shortly acuminate, glabrous, midrib and nerves flat or slightly impressed above, villous, tomentose or tomentellous, ± glabrescent, midrib prominent beneath, nerves prominulous, 7-9 per side, patent, arcuately fused near margin, veins densely reticulate; petioles thick, tomentose, canaliculate, 0.2-0.7(-1.2) cm long. Panicles subterminal, clustered below terminal buds, lax, many-flowered, tomentose-lanuginose, 6-15 cm long. Flowers densely tomentellous, 2-2.5 x 2 mm; floral tube inside glabrous; pedicels 0.5-3 mm long; tepals erect, broadly ovate, ± equal, ca. 1.3 mm long, inside pilosulous; stamens included, ca. 1 mm long, outer ones with broad anthers and connectives protracted between the small cells, filaments narrower than anthers, pilose, inner stamens with broadly obtuse, truncate anthers and biglandulose pilose filaments; staminodes small, stipitiform; pistil glabrous, ca. 2 mm long; style longer than ovary; stigma minute. Berry ellipsoid, black-blue, at least 2 x 1 cm; cupule subhemispherical, red, 1.2 cm wide.
In cerrado vegetation, in “cerradão” and in gallery forests of cerrado and caatinga. Flowers Jul-Feb; fruits Feb-Jul.
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