
  • Authority

    Poppendieck, Hans-Helmut. 1981. Cochlospermaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 27: 1-34. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name


  • Type

    Type species. Cochlospermum religiosum (Linnaeus) Alston from India, which is homotypic with C. gossypium (Linnaeus) A. P. de Candolle.

  • Synonyms

    Maximilianea, Wittelsbachia, Azeredia, Lachnocistus Duchass. ex Linden & Planch., Cochlospermum religiosum L., Cochlospermum gossypium (L.) DC.

  • Description

    Genus Description - Trees, shrubs or suffrutices with subterranean rootstocks. Leaves palmatisect or palmatiparted, with 5-9 lobes; stipules subulate. Flowers actinomorphic, 5-15 cm in diameter. Sepals dimorphic, arranged sub-quincuncially, the outer two shorter, ovate-lanceolate, the inner three broadly ovate and often asymmetric, with papery margins, contorted in bud. Petals obovate, cuneate, more or less deeply emarginate at apex, contorted in bud in opposite direction as the inner sepals, glabrous, rarely ciliolate at margin, yellow, often with fine red stripes or marks. Stamens equal, numerous. Seeds cochleate to reniform, hairy Type species. Cochlospermum religiosum (Linnaeus) Alston from India, which is homotypic with C. gossypium (Linnaeus) A. P. de Candolle.