Carpotroche longifolia (Poepp.) Benth.

  • Authority

    Sleumer, Hermann O. 1980. Flacourtiaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 22: 1-499. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Carpotroche longifolia (Poepp.) Benth.

  • Type

    Type. Poeppig D. 2830, Brazil, Amazonas, ad confl. fl. Teffé et Amazonas, fr (holotype, W; isotypes, F, NY).

  • Synonyms

    Mayna longifolia Poepp. & Endl., Mayna linguifolia R.E.Schult., Mayna longifolia var. heliocarpa R.E.Schult., Mayna longifolia var. phasmatocarpa R.E.Schult., Mayna pacifica var. pusilla R.E.Schult., Carpotroche longifolia var. heliocarpa (R.E.Schult.) Cuatrec., Carpotroche longifolia var. phasmatocarpa (R.E.Schult.) Cuatrec., Carpotroche linguifolia (R.E.Schult.) Cuatrec., Mayna muricida R.E.Schult.

  • Description

    Description - Shrub or tree (2.0-)3.0-12.0(-20.0) m high; crown spreading or conical with elongate branches; trunk straight, slender, up to 6.0 cm diam; bark thin, grayish to reddish-brownish or blackish, rather smooth. Branchlets rusty-tomentulose at tips. Leaves obovate-oblong to oblanceolate, not rarely elongately so, apex shortly subcaudate-acuminate, base long-attenuate, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, somewhat appressedly short-pubescent on both faces or rarely beneath only, generally glabrescent above, rarely more densely pubescent beneath and remaining so, remotely sinuate-dentate especially in the upper half of the lamina, rarely (sub)entire, 30.0-62.0 cm long, 10.0-22.0 cm broad, lateral nerves 15-20(-25) pairs rather straight below, arcuate and looping before the margin, prominent beneath; petiole markedly thickened and geniculate distally, 4.0-6.0(-8.0, -11.0) cm long; stipules broadly triangular, acuminate, pubescent, 6.0-10.0 mm long, caducous. Flowers polygamodioecious, with a scent of cyanide, clustered generally on defoliated parts of the branches, or on old wood respectively the trunk, rarely in the axils of lower leaves, rusty-pubescent all over in the outer parts; pedicels articulate at base, up to 6.0 mm long. Flowers [male]: sepals 2 or 3, calycoid, whitish-greenish, ovatesuborbicular, sometimes deeply lacerate, 6.0-8.0 mm long, 5.0-6.0 mm broad. Petals (5-)6-7(-10), white to almost cream, outer ones obovate and (5.0-)7.0- 8.0 mm long, 4.0-5.0 mm broad, inner ones gradually narrower, subglabrous. Stamens (20-)35-50, subsessile, hairy, 3.5-5.0 mm long. Rudiment of disk or ovary 0. Flowers 9 : sepals 3, suborbicular, 8.0-10.0 mm long. Petals as in the o' flowers in number, outer ones ca 1.6 cm long, inner ones shorter, sparsely sericeous. Stamens numerous, 4.0-6.0 mm long; filaments up to 1.0 mm long. Disk obsolete. Ovary sessile, ovoid, sericeous, with 9-12 dentate vertical wings; styles 5-6, pubescent; stigmas short, subcapitate. Fruit subglobose to ellipsoid, puberulous, white turning green, 9-12-winged, variable in form and size, 3.0-6.0 cm long, 2.5-4.0 cm thick, the wings soft, with recurvedly dentate, fimbriate or lacerate flattish crests up to 15.0 mm high, tubercled between; pericarp woody-fibrose, 2.0 mm thick; seeds numerous (up to 50), whitish, obtusely angled, 8.0-10.0 mm long, 5.0-6.0 mm broad, in a red or orange pulp.

  • Distribution

    Scattered in Panama, Colombia, the Guianas, and in Amazonian Ecuador, Peru and Brazil (southwards to Mato Grosso); in primary, also secondary forest, from lowland to ca 300 m alt, on non inundated, often hilly ground.

    Panama Central America| Colón Panama Central America| Panamá Panama Central America| Colombia South America| Chocó Colombia South America| Boyacá Colombia South America| Putumayo Colombia South America| Caquetá Colombia South America| Vaupés Colombia South America| Amazonas Colombia South America| Suriname South America| French Guiana South America| Ecuador South America| Napo Ecuador South America| Pastaza Ecuador South America| Santiago-Zamora Ecuador South America| Peru South America| Loreto Peru South America| Amazonas Brazil South America| San Martín Peru South America| Huánuco Peru South America| Junín Peru South America| Cusco Peru South America| Brazil South America| Amazonas Brazil South America| Pará Brazil South America| Acre Brazil South America|