Guarea macrophylla Vahl

  • Authority

    Pennington, Terence D. 1981. Meliaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 28: 1-359, 418-449, 459-470. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Guarea macrophylla Vahl

  • Description

    Species Description - Young branches sparsely to densely puberulent or pubescent at first, becoming glabrous, pale to mid-brown sometimes ferrugineous, usually without lenticels. Leaves pinnate with a terminal bud sometimes showing intermittent growth, to 45 cm long; petiole usually semiterete, rhachis semiterete or channelled above, or terete; indumentum variable from densely, coarsely pubescent to sparsely pubescent, puberulous, or glabrous; petiolule (1-)2-5(-8) mm long. Leaflets opposite or subopposite, 2-7(-9) pairs, elliptic, oblong or oblanceolate less frequently obovate, apex attenuate or acuminate or sometimes obtusely cuspidate rarely rounded, base acute, cuneate, or narrowly attenuate rarely rounded or obtuse, chartaceous to coriaceous, 6-25(-33) cm long, 2.6-8(-10.5) cm broad, lower leaflets often much smaller, upper surface usually glabrous or rarely with midrib puberulous, lower densely to sparsely pubescent with straight or crisped hairs or glabrous, sometimes with granular red papillae, sometimes glandular-punctate and -striate; venation eucamptodromous, midrib slightly sunken; secondaries 6-14(-16) on either side of midrib, moderately to steeply ascending, straight or arcuate, parallel to convergent; intersecondaries moderately long to short or absent; tertiaries often prominent, oblique. Inflorescence axillary or occasionally on old wood or twigs, or lateral on short axillary shoots, (2-)8-35(-55) cm long, sometimes terminated by a small congested bud and showing intermittent growth, forming a slender thyrse with the lower branches 0.5-1.5(-5) cm long and bearing small cymules, upper flowers paired or solitary, sparsely puberulous to pubescent; pedicel (0.25-)0.5-1.5 mm long. Calyx shallowly patelliform to cyathiform less frequently rotate, 1-3 mm long, with 2-4 acute, obtuse or rounded lobes, sometimes divided almost to base, sparsely appressed puberulent to coarsely pubescent on outer surface. Petals 4-5, valvate or slightly imbricate, (5-)6-9(-11) mm long, 1-2.5(-3.5) mm broad, strap-shaped, oblong or lanceolate, apex acute or rarely obtuse, appressed puberulous to densely appressed pubescent or strigose on outer surface, glabrous inside. Staminal tube 4.5-7(-8.5) mm long, 1.5—3(-4) mm broad, margin entire or undulate, glabrous or with a few appressed hairs on outer surface; anthers 8(-10), 0.75-1.5 mm long. Nectary a stout stipe expanded to form an annulus below ovary, 0.5-2 mm long, glabrous. Ovary (3-)4(-5)-locular, loculi with 1-2 superposed ovules, appressed puberulous to strigose; style stout, glabrous in upper half. Capsule variable, depressed globose, globose or fig-shaped, apex emarginate, truncate or rounded, often tapering from near apex to base and finally contracted into a short stipe, valves prominently to obscurely coarsely-tuberculate, torulose, or 2-3-ribbed and then the ribs usually ± tuberculate or torulose, or less frequently smooth, sometimes becoming prominently wrinkled on drying, minutely puberulous, papillose, or short pubescent, 0.75-3.5 cm long; 4(-5)-valved, valves with 1-2 superposed seeds; pericarp 1-2 mm thick. Seed ± ovoid-ellipsoid when solitary, or truncate at base or apex when 2 superposed in the valve, 0.6-1.5(-2) cm long, surrounded by a thin orange sarcotesta; seed coat thin, cartilaginous. Embryo with thick, plano-convex, superposed cotyledons, sometimes divided into angular segments; radicle abaxial, extending to surface.