University of the Philippines Baguio

  • Name

    University of the Philippines Baguio

  • Herbarium Code


  • Current Status


  • Correspondents

    Teodora Balangcod, Head of the Herbarium,

  • Contact

    [63] 074 442 7231
    [63] 074 444 3128
    Fax: [63] 074 444 3128
    Email: c/o

  • Address

    Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
    University of the Philippines Baguio
    Governor Pack Road
    Baguio City 2600

  • Specialty

    Taxonomic Coverage: Vascular plants; bryophytes; lichens

    Geography: Philippines, especially the Cordillera Administrative Region

  • Notes

    Updated April 2017 (general update). Wanted: Other Plants of the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), Luzon, Philippines Available: Some Plants of the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), Luzon, Philippines The UP Baguio herbarium started as a student herbarium. It used to be very small with few collections from students and faculty researchers. At present, the herbarium has grown and is focused on keeping representative collections of the flora of the Cordillera Administrative Region, Luzon, Philippines. It is presently the only herbarium in the Region hence many students and researchers use the facility for the identification and verification of their plants for their studies. The herbarium is active in the collection of plants from various parts of the Cordillera. The herbarium will be transferred to a new building, the Biodiversity Center of the Cordillera, in the future when the building will have been constructed. There is also a plan for establishing a database of all the collections which will be shared on line. The main constraint of the herbarium is funding to develop and improve it further. There is no library yet and the meager books are the personal collections of the person in charge. The herbarium is open for donations of taxonomic books and other related literature and materials.

  • Feedback

    Send comment or correction to the Editor of Index Herbariorum

  • Number of Specimens


  •   Num. of Specimens Num. Databased Num. Imaged
    Seed Plants
  • Date Founded


  • Updated


  • Important Collectors

    I. E. Buot, C. C. Balangue, L. L. Co, T.D. Balangcod