The New York Botanical Garden

  • Name

    The New York Botanical Garden

  • Herbarium Code


  • Current Status


  • Correspondents

    Emily Sessa, Patricia K. Holmgren Director,
    Matthew Pace, Assistant Curator,
    Nicole Tarnowsky, Noel H. Holmgren Assistant Director of the Herbarium,
    Laura Briscoe, Collections Manager of the Cryptogamic Herbarium,

  • Contact

    The New York Botanical Garden

  • Address

    William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
    The New York Botanical Garden
    2900 Southern Blvd.
    Bronx, New York 10458-5126


    US 003

  • Specialty

    Taxonomic Coverage: Algae, bryophytes, fungi, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms

    Geography: Worldwide with greatest strength in tropical America and North America

  • Notes

    NY diatoms transferred to CAS in 2002. The Brooklyn Botanic Garden Herbarium (BKL, ca. 350,000 specimens) is maintained separately, but is available for consultation and loans. Botanical library available to all researchers. Library includes over 260 400 volumes (105 000 book and monograph titles and nearly 11 000 serial titles), 125 000 reprints, collections of archives and manuscripts, seed catalogs and index semina, photographs, botanical art, and artifacts. The Library on-line catalog, is accessible at: Services include interlibrary loan, photocopying, photography, CD-ROM database searches, and literature searches. Most services are for a fee. The Library is the repository for the Taxonomic Literature II (Stafleu and Cowan) data files and for the archives of the American Society of Plant Taxonomists, Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries, Mycological Society of America, Organization for Flora Neotropica, Society for Economic Botany, Torrey Botanical Society, and others.

  • Feedback

    Send comment or correction to the Editor of Index Herbariorum

  • Number of Specimens


  •   Num. of Specimens Num. Databased Num. Imaged
    Algae 221000 155365 110822
    Bryophytes 700000 448769 452485
    Fungi/Lichens 700000 685635 441587
    Pteridophytes 300000 223911 206980
    Seed Plants 6000000 2686457 2228503
  • Date Founded


  • Updated


  • Associated Institution

    Associated gardens and universities: New York Botanical Garden. City University of New York. Columbia University. Cornell University. New York University. Yale University.

  • Incorporated Herbaria

    Barnard College (18 000 specimens) in 1901;
    bryophytes of DS (4580 arctic and New York specimens) in 1968;
    bryophytes of FSU (8158 specimens) in 1973;
    bryophytes of KANU (4402 specimens) in 1969;
    Columbia College of Pharmacy in 1945;
    Columbia University (600 000 specimens) in 1895;
    Cotton Branch, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, College Station, Texas (19 918 specimens) in 1993;
    DPU (127 119 specimens) in 1987;
    E. Lay (Lichens of eastern U.S., especially New England, 17000 in 2010);
    Ecological Herbarium, Mammal Department, American Museum of Natural History (632 specimens) in 1982;
    fungi and algae of CM (41 905 specimens) in 1981;
    fungi of CAS (ca. 3000) in 2002, Kohlmeyer herbarium of marine fungi (ca. 20,000 specimens) in 2009;
    fungi of KSC (17 000 specimens) in 1997, fungi of NO (10 000 specimens) in 2000;
    fungi of TEX (1116 specimens) in 1990, fungi of KIRI (211 specimens) in 1995;
    fungi of UT (6479 specimens) in 1982, fungi of MASS (30 632 specimens) in 1989;
    fungi of VPI (extra-regional only, ca. 25,000 specimens, 2012);
    Hamilton College (6200 specimens) in 1983;
    Herb Society of America, New York Unit (516 specimens) in 1996;
    L. Biechele (lichens and bryophytes of Delmarva Penninsula, 400, 2010);
    Mianus River Gorge Preserve (246 specimens) in 1996;
    part of BROC (tropical specimens) in 1989;
    part of DH (3470 specimens) in 1983;
    part of GESU;
    part of Gettysburg College (555 historical specimens) in 1993;
    Princeton University (48 000 specimens) in 1945;
    SEFES (3750 specimens);
    Torrey Botanical Club in 1973;
    WAB (17 442 specimens) in 1987;
    WECO (10 700 specimens) in 1982;
    WELC (63 464 specimens) in 1988

  • Important Collectors

    E. J. Alexander, J. A. Allen, G. P. Anderson, C. F. Austin, C. F. Baker, M. Bang, H. J. Banker, R. C. Barneby, J. H. Barnhart, M. E. Barr, J. Barratt, E. Bartholomew, J. C. Beatley, A. R. Bechtel, E. A. Bessey, G. N. Best, E. P. Bicknell, L. Biechele, H. E. Bigelow, A. O. Black, B. M. Boom, R. S. Breen, N. L. Britton, E. G. Britton, W. R. Buck, S. B. Buckley, G. S. Burlingham, W. W. Calkins, W. H. Camp, W. M. Canby, A. W. Chapman, A. H. Chivers, J. H. Christ, S. P. Churchill, F. E. Clements, F. S. Collins, J. M. Coulter, R. S. Cowan, L. Croizat, A. Cronquist, J. M. Cruxent, C. E. Cummings, A. H. Curtiss, D. C. Daly, S. Damon, C. C. Deam, I. Degener, O. Degener, H. M. Denslow, J. P. Dey, A. Ducke, K. P. Dumont, F. S. Earle, W. W. Eggleston, J. B. Ellis, A. D. E. Elmer, C. E. Fairman, H. Fleming, M. Fleming, S. Flowers, J. C. Frémont, P. A. Fryxell, A. O. Garrett, L. J. Gier, H. A. Gleason, R. D. Goos, R. Hagelstein, R. E. Halling, I. M. Haring, R. A. Harper, R. C. Harris, H. E. Hasse, R. L. Hauke, C. C. Haynes, A. A. Heller, L. K. Henry, G. B. Hinton, M. Hitchcock, N. H. Holmgren, G. E. Howard, M. A. Howe, H. S. Irwin, A. Jaeger, E. James, G. S. Jenman, O. E. Jennings, G. T. Johnson, J. Kallunki, C. H. Kauffman, D. D. Keck, E. P. Killip, M. B. Knauz, B. Kohlmeyer, J. Kohlmeyer, C. L. Kramer, B. A. Krukoff, C. E. O. Kuntze, D. Largent, E. Lay, W. H. Leggett, W. A. Leighton, J. Lendemer, P. V. LeRoy, C. L. Lesquereux, A. H. Liogier, J. L. Luteyn, D. T. MacDougal, K. K. Mackenzie, B. Maguire, G. E. Massee, C. J. I. Maximowicz, A. J. McClatchie, C. F. Meisner, E. D. Merrill, J. T. Mickel, O. K. Miller, N. Miller, W. Mitten, H. N. Moldenke, S. A. Mori, T. Morong, W. A. Murrill, G. V. Nash, M. Nee, P. J. O'Gara, A. M. Ottley, E. Palmer, P. M. Patterson, C. H. Peck, P. Pedraza, F. W. Pennell, N. Pike, G. T. Prance, C. G. Pringle, C. F. Reed, H. M. Richards, J. F. C. Rock, C. T. Rogerson, H. H. Rusby, P. A. Rydberg, H. P. Sartwell, A. Schneider, F. J. Seaver, J. A. Shafer, C. L. Shear, C. A. Shurtleff, J. K. Small, H. H. Smith, G. L. Smith, A. C. Smith, R. Spruce, H. Stansbury, F. W. Starmer, W. C. Steere, J. Steinbach, A. B. Stout, W. C. Sturgis, D. R. Sumstine, G. H. H. Tate, G. Tessmann, H. D. Thiers, W. W. Thomas, A. Tiehm, J. Torrey, R. Torrey, F. Tweedy, W. Uggla, L. M. Underwood, A. M. Vail, A. Vigener, S. Watson, W. H. Welch, A. Welden, H. Whittier, H. O. Whittier, L. Williams, R. S. Williams, P. Wilson, A. Wood, R. D. Wood, E. G. Worthley, C. Wright, J. J. Wurdack, T. G. Yuncker, T. Zanoni, S. M. Zeller, G. L. I. Zundel