Taxon Details: Tilia americana L.
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Malvaceae (Magnoliophyta)
Scientific Name:

Tilia americana L.
Accepted Name:

This name is currently accepted.
Common Names:

American basswood
Flora and Monograph Treatment(s):

Tilia americana L.: [Book] Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.
Related Objects:

J. B. Walker 1947, United States of America
W. L. Stern 140, United States of America
W. L. Stern 582, United States of America
N. H. Holmgren 14358, United States of America
D. E. Atha 6148, United States of America
D. E. Atha 6546, United States of America
D. E. Atha 6626, United States of America
D. E. Atha 7106, United States of America
D. E. Atha 8579, United States of America
A. M. Ottley 3892, United States of America
D. E. Atha 14183, United States of America
E. S. Torrey s.n., United States of America
N. K. Berg s.n., United States of America
Collector unspecified s.n.
Collector unknown 335
Tilia americana L.
C. W. Short s.n., United States of America
E. W. D. Holway s.n., United States of America
Collector unspecified s.n.
Collector unknown s.n.
A. H. Curtiss 401*, United States of America
J. L. C. Marie-Victorin 95383, Canada
J. Macoun 34103, Canada
J. Macoun 34102, Canada
P. V. Krotkov 9211, Canada
S. I. Smith s.n., United States of America
C. F. Batchelder s.n., United States of America
R. S. Rodman s.n., United States of America
Collector unknown 401, United States of America
G. N. Jones 16854, United States of America
Collector unknown s.n., United States of America
E. P. Bicknell 5742, United States of America
Collector unspecified s.n., United States of America
H. Tucker s.n., United States of America
K. M. Wiegand 1096, United States of America
K. M. Wiegand s.n., United States of America
H. E. Ahles 87019, United States of America
Collector unknown s.n., United States of America
Collector unspecified 7147, United States of America
E. J. Palmer 43441, United States of America
R. C. Benedict s.n., United States of America
Collector unspecified s.n., United States of America
M. R. North 169, United States of America
W. W. Denslow s.n., United States of America
Collector unspecified s.n., United States of America
W. Lucian 91, United States of America
Collector unspecified s.n., United States of America
H. J. Banker 688, United States of America
M. T. Lee s.n., United States of America
C. E. O. Kuntze 2441, United States of America
N. L. Britton s.n., United States of America
Collector unknown s.n., United States of America
Collector unknown s.n.
Collector unknown s.n., United States of America
H. P. Sartwell s.n., United States of America
J. Hartling 02680, United States of America
Collector unknown s.n.
H. M. Raup 7344, United States of America
J. H. Lehr 476, United States of America
A. M. Vail s.n., United States of America
H. T. Beck 1167, United States of America
H. M. Raup 7889, United States of America
W. C. Ferguson s.n., United States of America
H. J. Banker 688, United States of America
E. P. Bicknell 5743, United States of America
J. F. Poggenburg s.n., United States of America
W. C. Ferguson s.n., United States of America
W. C. Ferguson s.n., United States of America
G. T. Hastings s.n., United States of America
E. A. Cope 2077, United States of America
W. Hess 8647, United States of America
W. C. Ferguson s.n., United States of America
Collector unspecified s.n., United States of America
W. W. Ashe s.n., United States of America
J. H. Barnhart 1586, United States of America
N. L. Britton s.n., United States of America
C. C. Curtis s.n., United States of America
C. C. Curtis s.n., United States of America
K. K. Mackenzie 2189, United States of America
N. L. Britton s.n., United States of America
H. N. Moldenke 1828, United States of America
K. K. Mackenzie 2189, United States of America
Collector unknown s.n.
Collector unknown s.n.
N. L. Britton s.n., United States of America
C. S. Williamson s.n., United States of America
N. L. Britton s.n., United States of America
N. L. Britton s.n., United States of America
F. W. Pennell 2277, United States of America
H. E. Stone s.n., United States of America
C. F. Parker s.n., United States of America
Collector unspecified s.n., United States of America
A. W. Wood C.B.210, United States of America
W. M. Canby s.n., United States of America
Collector unspecified s.n., United States of America
A. J. A. Fredholm 532, United States of America
E. S. Burgess s.n., United States of America
Collector unspecified s.n., United States of America
E. S. Steele 78, United States of America
M. G. Brooks 8382, United States of America
E. A. Bartholomew 1723, United States of America
D. L. Curtis 165, United States of America
F. Bartley 2884, United States of America
J. L. Gentry, Magnoliophyta; North America
C. O. Erlanson 599, United States of America
W. A. Brotherton s.n., United States of America
W. A. Brotherton s.n., United States of America
R. R. Wilson 155, United States of America
W. A. Brotherton s.n., United States of America
H. Gillman s.n., United States of America
C. K. Dodge 4791, United States of America
Collector unspecified s.n.
C. A. Brown 2629, United States of America
W. A. Brotherton s.n., United States of America
B. Spike 8285, United States of America
Collector unknown s.n.
L. H. MacDaniels 190, United States of America
L. H. MacDaniels s.n., United States of America
C. H. Jones s.n., United States of America
G. W. Wilson s.n., United States of America
Beeson s.n.
W. S. Blatchley s.n., United States of America
Tilia americana L.
Tilia americana L.
E. J. Grimes 160, United States of America
D. T. MacDougal s.n., United States of America
E. G. Simmons s.n., United States of America
O. K. Stark 351, United States of America
E. J. Grimes s.n., United States of America
P. McCoy s.n., United States of America
M. Bowen s.n., United States of America
C. M. Ek s.n., United States of America
C. C. Deam 23753, United States of America
A. S. Reed 60, United States of America
E. J. Palmer 43628, United States of America
C. C. Deam 1200, United States of America
C. C. Deam 17420, United States of America
O. K. Stark 328, United States of America
A. M. Cunningham 364, United States of America
A. R. Bechtel 16187, United States of America
A. Clapp s.n., United States of America
C. C. Deam 1200, United States of America
H. C. Hovey s.n., United States of America
P. A. Fryxell 1404, United States of America
V. H. Chase 3134, United States of America
V. H. Chase 661, United States of America
M. T. Cook s.n., United States of America
V. H. Chase 9017, United States of America
V. H. Chase s.n., United States of America
W. Hess 7858, United States of America
T. E. Demarée 14957, United States of America
E. J. Palmer 17084, United States of America
G. N. Jones 12061, United States of America
G. N. Jones 11843, United States of America
M. S. Bebb s.n., United States of America
G. N. Jones 14929, United States of America
G. N. Jones 12412, United States of America
R. A. Evers 9, United States of America
F. E. McDonald s.n., United States of America
Collector unspecified s.n., United States of America
I. H. Isenberg 8597, United States of America
L. H. Pammel 248, United States of America
J. H. Schuette s.n., United States of America
C. C. Cook s.n., United States of America
Tilia americana L.
J. W. Moore 20412, United States of America
J. M. Holzinger s.n., United States of America
J. B. Moyle 561, United States of America
M. McKee 226, United States of America
S. R. Ziegler 1403, United States of America
S. D. Swanson 1055, United States of America
P. Johnson 578, United States of America
A. Hayden 874, United States of America
H. A. Gleason 9357, United States of America
R. F. Thorne 14416, United States of America
B. Shimek s.n., United States of America
Collector unknown s.n., United States of America
R. Combs 574, United States of America
E. J. Palmer 40587, United States of America
R. Combs 574, United States of America
L. H. Pammel 264, United States of America
B. F. Bush 12511B, United States of America
B. F. Bush 11380A, United States of America
E. J. Palmer 36623a, United States of America
J. Davis 710, United States of America
J. Davis 607, United States of America
Tilia americana L.
Tilia americana L.
B. F. Bush 10129, United States of America
E. J. Palmer 41698, United States of America
B. F. Bush 6466A, United States of America
B. F. Bush 9293, United States of America
B. F. Bush 3042, United States of America
J. H. Kellogg 25654, United States of America
Tilia americana L.
B. F. Bush 6493, United States of America
G. W. Letterman s.n., United States of America
E. J. Palmer 58763, United States of America
B. F. Bush 9798, United States of America
B. F. Bush 3031, United States of America
P. H. Raven 27656, United States of America
J. Davis 606, United States of America
B. F. Bush 61, United States of America
Tilia americana L.
R. F. Thorne 5130b, United States of America
L. C. Anderson 13654, United States of America
R. K. Godfrey 54967, United States of America
R. D. Whetstone 13519, United States of America
J. P. Barber 239, United States of America
C. T. Bryson 7430, United States of America
J. D. Ray Jr. 5593, United States of America
C. T. Bryson 7430, United States of America
C. T. Bryson 7430, United States of America
J. F. Pruski 2428, United States of America
E. J. Palmer 36901, United States of America
W. Hess 8360, United States of America
L. Eastman s.n., United States of America
F. E. Clements 2576, United States of America
E. J. Palmer 43772, United States of America
L. K. Magrath 3930, United States of America
J. Macoun s.n., Canada
A. S. Hitchcock s.n., United States of America
F. C. Gates 21087, United States of America
Sister Jeanette, Magnoliophyta; North America
J. B. Norton s.n., United States of America
E. J. Palmer 9033, United States of America
O. W. Blakley 3449, United States of America
G. T. Robbins 2662, United States of America
G. T. Robbins 3128, United States of America
D. S. Correll 14180, United States of America
E. Hall 62, United States of America
H. W. Young s.n.
E. E. Addor 722, United States of America
E. E. Addor 804, United States of America
E. E. Addor 819, United States of America
J. H. Christ 2285, United States of America
J. H. Christ 7667, United States of America
H. M. Tucker s.n., United States of America
C. F. Marx s.n., United States of America
M. L. Fernald 358, United States of America
E. S. Burgess s.n., United States of America
A. Brown s.n., United States of America
Collector unknown 1817
F. M. Hexamer s.n.
A. I. Mulford 1320, United States of America
A. I. Mulford 1320a, United States of America
Fabius 347, Canada
R. Decandido CP252, United States of America
Tilia americana L.
Tilia americana L.
R. D. Thomas 96031, United States of America
A. S. DuBois s.n., Canada
H. A. Senn 1994, Canada
T. W. Edmondson 2881, Canada
A. S. DuBois 420, Canada
G. T. Hastings s.n., United States of America
D. Demarée 6728, United States of America
P. A. Fryxell 2204, United States of America
J. H. Barnhart 328, United States of America
E. J. Palmer 35575, United States of America
D. Demarée 21323, United States of America
S. A. Mori 27924, United States of America
W. C. Ferguson s.n., United States of America
W. C. Ferguson s.n., United States of America
T. A. Williams 167, United States of America
J. F. Alex 5, Canada
F. C. Seymour 28, United States of America
J. Rousseau 25724, Canada
W. L. Stern 72, United States of America
F. R. Fosberg 45639, United States of America
R. D. Thomas 173747, United States of America
R. D. Thomas 165360 & H.Y. 815, United States of America
R. D. Thomas 143986, United States of America
R. D. Thomas 139842, United States of America
R. D. Thomas 100513, United States of America
J. L. Luteyn 8086, United States of America
S. P. Churchill 12213, United States of America
S. P. Churchill 5538, United States of America
S. P. Churchill 5517, United States of America
S. P. Churchill 5127, United States of America
H. H. Bartlett 336, United States of America
M. H. Nee 59377, United States of America
M. H. Nee 56410, United States of America
M. H. Nee 56409, United States of America
M. H. Nee 56414, United States of America
M. H. Nee 56497, United States of America
M. H. Nee 57168, United States of America
M. H. Nee 57167, United States of America
M. H. Nee 30097, United States of America
M. H. Nee 56368, United States of America
M. H. Nee 27465, United States of America
M. H. Nee 27462, United States of America
M. H. Nee 27476, United States of America
M. H. Nee 27475, United States of America
M. H. Nee 27467, United States of America
M. H. Nee 27470, United States of America
M. H. Nee 56466, United States of America
M. H. Nee 27457, United States of America
M. H. Nee 27464, United States of America
M. H. Nee 56319, United States of America
M. H. Nee 43727, United States of America
M. H. Nee 24275, United States of America
M. H. Nee 18129, United States of America
M. H. Nee 56347, United States of America
S. L. Clarke s.n., United States of America
T. Morong s.n., United States of America
T. Morong s.b., United States of America
Tilia americana L.
N. Taylor 2195, United States of America
N. Taylor 993, United States of America
T. G. Yuncker 1905, United States of America
T. G. Yuncker 1289, United States of America
T. G. Yuncker 1424, United States of America
M. C. Ferguson s.n., United States of America
W. H. Welch 333 A, United States of America
W. H. Welch 333, United States of America
W. H. Welch s.n., United States of America
W. H. Welch 6238, United States of America
W. H. Welch 2276, United States of America
W. H. Welch 1091, United States of America
S. R. Hill 10274, United States of America
S. R. Hill 35966, United States of America
S. R. Hill 26009, United States of America
S. R. Hill 36420, United States of America
S. R. Hill 29626, United States of America
S. R. Hill 32455, United States of America
E. A. Friend 10687, United States of America
G. V. Nash 02680, United States of America
G. V. Nash s.n., United States of America
W. G. D'Arcy 2482, United States of America
W. G. D'Arcy 2482, United States of America
W. Krivda 2444, Canada
W. H. Minshall 1842, Canada
W. J. Cody 11217, Canada
B. Boivin 13512, Canada
Fr. E. Roy 1784, Canada
Fr. E. Roy 255, Canada
J. M. Gillett 8027, Canada
Tilia americana L.
G. H. Macy s.n., United States of America
H. N. Moldenke 1828, United States of America
R. Crane 2925, United States of America
A. J. Eames, United States of America
K. M. Wiegand s.n., United States of America
H. H. York s.n., United States of America
R. B. Hough 3
N. Morrell s.n., United States of America
F. Murray 8657, United States of America
F. Murray 8657, United States of America
P. Hockenbeamer s.n., United States of America
R. I. Vargas 37, United States of America
E. Roy 48, United States of America
E. Roy 48, United States of America
D. E. Atha 7654, United States of America
H. N. Moldenke 9793, United States of America
M. H. Nee 31285, United States of America
S. L. Clarke s.n., United States of America
S. L. Clarke s.n., United States of America
P. Wilson 10899, United States of America