Monographs Details:

Irwin, Howard S. 1966. Contributions to the botany of Guiana. III. Leguminosae Mimosoideae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 15: 96-111.

Scientific Name:

Inga capitata Desv.

Distribution and Ecology - BRAZIL. Amapa: Rio Araguari; Pires, Rodrigues, & Irwine 51618. SURINAME. Wilhelmina Gebergte. Irwin, Prance, Soderstrom, & Holmgren 54458. VENEZUELA. Bolivar: Altiplanicie de Nuria, Steyermark 88732.


Very variable, especially in floral dimensions. This species is well recorded in Suriname and French Guiana, but has been known to the West only through a few collections in interior British Guiana (Kanuku Mts., Smith 3479; Mazaruni Station, Forest Dept, of British Guiana 3274) and one in Colombia (Schultes & Cabrera 19072). The Amapa material, together with earlier collections from Para (Belem, Ducke 1715; Rio Guama, Pires 626), departs considerably from other materials of the area; the leaflets and calyx are considerably larger. The new Venezuelan and Brazilian records suggest a general occurrence of the species throughout Guiana.


Brazil South America| Suriname South America| Venezuela South America|