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Displaying 1 - 3 out of 3 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
CouepiaB. M. Torke 822 with Chieno Suemitsu and Sebastião Júnior,
09 May 2011
Brazil. Pará. Belterra Mun. Floresta Nacional do Tapajós: Tapajós River, east bank, near community of Itapuama, "Trilha de Competição," about 3 km north and east of community toward small igarapé.
CouepiaB. M. Torke 751 with Chieno Suemitsu, Thomas Couvreur and Marcia Braga,
06 May 2011
Brazil. Pará. Belterra Mun. Floresta Nacional do Tapajós: Tapajós River, east bank, near community of Itapaiunas, ca. 2 km from community along trail into uplands north and east of community, 0.1 m transect.
Couepia robusta HuberR. C. Forzza 8914 with F. A. Obermuller; L. Giacomin; T. André; E.C. Oliveira; A. Silva; E.S.C. Gomes; G.R.S. Sousa,
18 Nov 2016
Brazil. Pará. Belterra Mun. FLONA Tapajós. Próximo ao Alojamento LBA, BR 163, Km 84.