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Displaying 1 - 7 out of 7 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Coccoloba mollis Casar.M. G. da Silva 3924
24 Nov 1978
Brazil. Pará. Parque Nacional do Tapajós, Km 60 da estrada Itaituba-Jacarecanga, margem direita do rio.220004402200044.jpg
CoccolobaB. M. Torke 1120 with Chieno Suemitsu,
23 May 2011
Brazil. Pará. Itaituba Mun. Parque Nacional da Amazônia: loop trail that departs from the west side of the Transamazonian Road about 0.5 km S of the IBAMA station.
CoccolobaB. M. Torke 1180 with Vidal Mansano, Chieno Suemitsu, Ilka Reis, Laice Lima and Rafael Pinto,
24 May 2011
Brazil. Pará. Itaituba Mun. Parque Nacional da Amazônia: loop trail that departs from the west side of the Transamazonian Road about 0.5 km S of the IBAMA station.
PolygonaceaeB. M. Torke 1252 with Vidal Mansano, Chieno Suemitsu, Ilka Reis, Laice Lima and Rafael Pinto,
25 May 2011
Brazil. Pará. Itaituba Mun. Parque Nacional da Amazônia: loop trail that departs from the west side of the Transamazonian Road about 0.5 km S of the IBAMA station.
CoccolobaB. M. Torke 1982 with Thiago André, Thaís Almeida, Leandro Giacomin, Andressa Saraiva, Edson Menezes, Marise Olivera, Gilberto Nascimento, Adria Paz, Márcia Braga, and field assistant from local community,
16-18 Jul 2016
Brazil. Pará. Itaituba Mun. Parque Nacional da Amazônia, ca. 3.5 km N of the community of São Benedito, ca. 60 km N of the port of Itaituba by road, 0.1 hectare "Gentry" transect.
Coccoloba mollis Casar.M. G. da Silva 3755
16 Nov 1978
Brazil. Pará. Itaituba Mun. Km 60 da Estrada Itaituba, Jacareacanga, Parque Nacional do Tapajós ( I. B. D. F. ) Reserva Biológica Morro da Piçarreira.220003102200031.jpg
Coccoloba mollis Casar.M. G. da Silva 3749
16 Nov 1978
Brazil. Pará. Itaituba Mun. Km 60 da estrada Itaituba-Jacareacanga. Parque Nacional do Tapajós (I.B.D.F.). Reserva Biológica. Morro da piçarreira.220004602200046.jpg