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Displaying 1 - 2 out of 2 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Laetia suaveolens (Poepp.) Benth.B. M. Torke 732 with Vidal Mansano, Thomas Couvreur and Chieno Suemitsu,
06 May 2011
Brazil. Pará. Belterra Mun. Floresta Nacional do Tapajós: Tapajós River, east bank, near community of Itapaiunas, along small tributary just S of community.0254094902540949.jpg
Laetia procera (Poepp.) EichlerB. M. Torke 2134 with Marise Oliveira, Andressa Saraiva, Emeli Gomes, GerlaneSouza, Fabio Kochanovski, Marcus Falcão, and Jony Martins Oliveira,
13-15 Feb 2017
Brazil. Pará. Rurópolis Mun. FLONA do Tapajós,trailthat departs from the W side ofBr-163at ca. Km 200 (=Km 822fromCuiabá), 0.1 hectare "Gentry" transect just off trail, at ca. 2 km from its beginning.