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Displaying 1 - 4 out of 4 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
HeteropsisB. M. Torke 768 with Marcia Braga and Sebastião Júnior,
08 May 2011
Brazil. Pará. Belterra Mun. Floresta Nacional do Tapajós: Tapajós River, east bank, near community of Itapuama, "Trilha de Competição," about 3 km north and east of community toward small igarapé.
HeteropsisL. L. Giacomin 2975 with Saraiva, A.M.; Sousa, G.R.S.; Gomes, E.S.C.; Forzza, R.C.; Obermuller, F.; Oliveira, E.C.,
18 Nov 2016
Brazil. Pará. Belterra Mun. Floresta Nacional do Tapajós. Trilha partindo da BR-163, logo após o igarapé do km 84 (próximo ao alojamendo do LBA).0268832602688326.jpg
HeteropsisB. M. Torke 1588 with Chieno Suemitsu, Cornelis Pinheiro Moura, Thaís Almeida, Jesiwan de Jesus Riveira and Leandro Giacomin,
10 Nov 2015
Brazil. Pará. Belterra Mun. FLONA do Tapajós, access road that departs W from the BR-163 highway at Km 72, 1.3 km W of BR-163, in forest ca. 50 m N of access road.
HeteropsisB. M. Torke 1640 with Chieno Suemitsu, Cornelis Pinheiro Moura, Thaís Almeida, Jesiwan de Jesus Riveira and Leandro Giacomin,
10 Nov 2015
Brazil. Pará. Belterra Mun. FLONA do Tapajós, access road that departs W from the BR-163 highway at Km 72, 1.3 km W of BR-163, in forest ca. 50 m N of access road.