The Flora Tapajós Project is a long-term collaborative effort to improve the inventory of plant species in the basin of the Tapajós River
in the Brazilian Amazon. The project leverages floristic data to promote more effective science and conservation in the region, while at
the same time helping to improve local capacity for floristic research through student training and infrastructure development. The
project is coordinated by scientists at the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro, the Federal University of Western Pará, the Goeldi
Museum, and the New York Botanical Garden. We work closely with local communities and the personnel of the Chico Mendez
Institute charged with the administration of numerous conservation areas in the region.
Since the beginning of the project in 2011, our activities have been focused in the lower and middle reaches of the Tapajós Basin in
Pará. We are currently compiling comprehensive inventories of the vascular plants of Tapajós National Forest and Amazônia National
Park. Additional studies in the Environmentally Protected Area of Alter do Chão are also underway.