Monographs Details:

Cowan, Richard S. 1967. Swartzia (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae Swartzieae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 1: 3-228. (Published by NYBG Press)


Description - Tree with pilosulose branchlets; stipules ca 0.7 mm long, narrowly triangular, deciduous; petioles 12-25 mm long, pilosulose, narrowly alate, the wing oblanceolate; rachis 3.5-5 cm long, pilosulose, narrowly alate, the wing oblanceolate, stipellate at each pair of leaflets; leaflets 2-jugate, the petiolules 1.5-2 mm long, pilosulose, the blades elliptic to narrowly elliptic, the base acute, the apex bluntly acuminate, the basal pair smallest, 4-5.5 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, the other pairs with blades 7-10.5 cm long, 2.5-4 cm wide, drying green above and brown beneath, glabrous except for the sparingly micro-strigulose costa beneath, the venation prominulous, the costa impressed on the upper surface, salient beneath, the primary to tertiary veins plane beneath but on the upper surface distinctly reticulate finely; inflorescences axillary to ramuligerous, racemose, 8-12 cm long, the axis densely pilosulose, the bracts persistent, ca 1 mm long, narrowly triangular, acute, strigulose externally, the bracteoles lacking; pedicels 6-7 mm long, densely strigulose; buds subglobose, ca 3.5 mm diameter, densely strigulose; calyx segments 4, densely strigulose externally, glabrous within; petal lacking; larger stamens 2, glabrous the smaller ones with filaments 3.5 mm long, glabrous; gynoecium densely buff-strigulose, the stigma punctiform, the ovary oval, ca 3 mm long and 1.8 mm wide, the gynophore ca 2 mm long; fruit oval in outline, 3-4 cm long, 2 cm diameter, sparingly strigulose, the stipe 4-5 mm long, strigulose; seed 1 per fruit, black, the aril white.


This species, closely restricted to one part of one range of mountains in Trinidad and the nearby Paria Peninsula of Venezuela, looks rather similar to S. cubensis and has the red fruits of that species. However, S. trinitensis has densely pubescent gynoecia and in this respect it is similar to another close relative, S. guianensis; the latter has calyx segments that are densely pubescent on the inner surfaces. From S. caribaea, which is nearly related both geographically and morphologically, S. trinitensis differs most obviously in its alate leaf-rachis, that of S. caribaea being quite terete and wingless.

Trinidad and Tobago South America| Venezuela South America| Sucre Venezuela South America|