Monographs Details:

Cowan, Richard S. 1967. Swartzia (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae Swartzieae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 1: 3-228. (Published by NYBG Press)


Swartzia benthamiana Miq., Swartzia rosea Mart. ex Benth., Tounatea benthamiana (Miq.) Taub., Tunatea benthamiana (Miq.) Kuntze, Tounatea rosea (Mart. ex Benth.) Taub., Tunatea rosea (Mart. ex Benth.) Kuntze

Description - Petioles (3.5-)5-8(-14) cm long, the rachis (2.5-)6.5-9(-20) cm long; petiolules (4-)6-8(-9) mm long, the leaflet blades (6-)8.5-12(-19.5) cm long, (3-)4-6(-8.5) cm wide, the venation obscure on the upper surface of the blades, prominulous and coarsely reticulate beneath, the costa impressed on the upper surface, salient beneath, the primary veins plane to slightly impressed above, slightly salient beneath; inflorescences (4-)10-25(-43) cm long, the axis minutely strigulose; petal glabrous; larger stamens with the filaments sparingly strigulose in the basal one-half or less; style sericeous in at least the basal half; ovary sericeous; fruit 5.5-8 cm long, 3 cm wide, elliptic in outline, with many, oblique, anastomosing ridges, minutely strigulose near the base and along the sutures, otherwise glabrous, or pubescent on all surfaces, the stipe 8-9 mm long, minutely sericeous.


Colombia South America| Vaupés Colombia South America| Amazonas Colombia South America| Guyana South America| Essequibo Guyana South America| Suriname South America| French Guiana South America| Brazil South America| Amazonas Brazil South America|

Common Names:

Agui, anakoko, bergibébe, itikiboro djamaro, kakabroekoe, montouchi, nemba