Taxon Details: Swartzia prolata R.S.Cowan
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Fabaceae (Magnoliophyta)
Scientific Name:

Swartzia prolata R.S.Cowan
Accepted Name:

This name is currently accepted.

Author: Benjamin Torke

Type: Brazil, Pará: "Estrada do Japonês, planalto do Santarém, 7 Jul 1954 (fl, fr), R. L. Froes 30928 (holotype: IAN 84741; isotypes: IAN, US).

Description: Tree, exceeding 8 m; young branchlets thinly strigulose, glabrescent. Leaves imparipinnate, with 14-19 pairs of opposite to strongly subopposite lateral leaflets; stipules ca. 2.5-9 mm x ca. 0.2-0.5 mm, filiform to narrowly lanceolate, strigulose abaxially, glabrescent, caducous; petioles 6-15 mm, winged toward apex adaxially, thinly strigulose, pulvinus ca. 3-6 mm; rachis 10-21 cm, narrowly winged in segments, caniculate between wing lobes adaxially, thinly stigulose, wings 1-2.9 mm wide, more or less oblong, parallel-sided, thinly strigulose, more densely so abaxially, the margin decurved, stipels triangular, adnate to the wings, ca. 0.5-1 mm; petiolules 0.5-0.8 mm, fairly densely strigose; laminas 1.8-4.7 x 0.7-1.5 cm, 1.8-4.8 x as long as wide, chartaceous, narrowly oblong, parallel sided, base oblique, truncate to subcordate, apex obtuse to rounded, often shortly apiculate, adaxial surface lustrous dark green, mostly glabrous, usually pilulose-tomentulose on the midrib, abaxial surface light green, thinly strigulose; midrib sunken in a furrow but somewhat raised within it and other venation more or less raised and reticulate adaxially, midrib and secondary veins raised and higher order venation immersed and inconspicuous abaxially, secondary veins ca. 9-13 on each side of midrib, fairly straight, ascending at ca. 20-30°, curving upward distally and forming robust submarginal loops, sometimes with included intersecondary veins parallel to the secondaries. Inflorescences simple racemes, borne on defoliate portion of branches below leaves, to ca. 30-flowered; axes 12-23 cm, fairly densely strigulose; bracts 1.3-2.6 x 1-2.3 mm, broadly ovate to triangular, strigulose abaxially; pedicels 9.9-14.1 mm, clavate, dorso-ventrally compressed, fairly densely strigulose; bracteoles 1.5-2.1 mm, inserted just below apex of pedicel, ovate-lanceolate, strigulose abaxially; flower buds ca. 12-13 x 9.5-11 mm, ovoid, subtly costate, thinly stigulose. Calyx glabrous adaxially, thinly strigulose abaxially; segements ca. 4, subequal, 10-17 x 8-13 mm, deflexed, ellitpic to irregularly shaped. Petal white, mostly glabrous, sparsely strigose on claw and at base of limb abaxially; claw ca. 3.7 mm; limb ca. 15 x 20 mm, broadly ovate-deltoid, base truncate to subcordate. Stamens glabrous, dimorphic, arranged in two groups; stamens of the abaxial group larger than the others, ca. 15-16, filaments 12.9-13.2 mm, dorso-ventrally compressed, tapering toward apex, anthers ca. 2.8-3 x 1.2 mm, oblong in outline; stamens of the adaxial group numerous, filaments 4.3-10.5 mm, anthers 0.7-1.4 x 0.7-1 mm, elliptic to orbicular in outline. Gynoecium glabrous; stipe 17-20 mm, terete, dilated apically; ovary ca. 6.5-9 x 2.2-3.7 mm, ellipsoid, somewhat laterally compressed, locule glabrous, ovules ca. 26; style 1.5-1.9 mm, oblique, terete, basally dilated; stigma punctiform to truncate. Fruits glabrous, maturing yellow; stipe ca. 2.3-2.7 cm, terete; body ca. 8.9-11 x 4.2-5.1 cm, elliptic in outline, laterally compressed, acute at base, rounded at apex, smooth-surfaced, persistent style strongly oblique. Seeds relatively numerous, about 10 in one fruit, more or less globular.

Common names: No common names have been recorded.

Distribution: Swartzia prolata is known from only four collections from the vicinity of Santarém and the northern portion of the Tapajós National Forest in the lower drainages of the Tapajós and Curuá-Una Rivers at less than 100 m elevation.

Ecology: Swartzia prolata has been collected in rainforest in well drained "terra firme" on level terrain with clay soils. Nothing else is known about its ecology.

Phenology: The species may be found in reproductive condition during the local dry season (May-December). The type collection with flowers and immature fruits was taken in July. A fruiting collection was gathered in September.

Taxonomic notes: Swartzia prolata belongs to the speciose section Acutifoliae, which has most of its diversity concentrated in extra-Amazonian eastern Brazil. It is one of only three published species of section Acutifoliae that are entirely Amazonian in distribution, the other two being S. arumateuana and S. kuhlmannii. The three Amazonian species are unusual in the context of the section in combining relatively numerous larger stamens, a relatively elongate ovary stipe and a glabrous ovary locule. Swartzia prolata is singular among them in its more numerous leaflets, which are distinctly appressed (versus erect in S. arumateana and S. kuhlmannii) pubescent on the lower surface, and in its glabrous gynoecium. Another, apparently undescribed species of section Acutifoliae, is represented by an interesting collection (M. N. Silva 292) gathered from the banks of the Jamanxim River in the middle Tapajós basin.

Uses: No uses have been recorded.

Etymology: The epithet refers to the ovary stipe, which is narrowest at the middle and dilated at the base and apex.

Conservation status: Given its small documented distribution and apparently rarity -it has been collected only four times in a relatively well botanized region- Swartzia prolata should be considered a species of conservation concern. Surveys, particularly within the Tapajós National Forest, where the species is known to occur, should be undertaken to better gauge its distribution, abundance and population trends.

Flora and Monograph Treatment(s):

Swartzia prolata R.S.Cowan: [Article] Cowan, Richard S. 1967. Swartzia (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae Swartzieae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 1: 3-228.