Monographs Details:

Cuatrecasas, José. 1970. Brunelliaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 2: 1-189. (Published by NYBG Press)


Description - Tree about 8 m tall with rather crowded crown. Branchlets robust, obtusely quadrangular or subterete, more or less 6-sulcate and compressed towards the end, sparsely lenticellate, puberulous or tomentose by mediocre, subpatulous or subascendent hairs, soon glabrate or glabrous, the internodes 2-6 cm long. Young shoots and leaves densely pubescent with subpatulous or subappressed ochraceous hairs. Stipules bigeminate, subulate, pubescent, 3-5 mm long, the distal ones 1-2 mm long. Leaves opposite, 3-6-jugate; axis very robust, angulate, striate, sulcate above, pubescent, puberulous or glabrate with medium sized subpatulous or subascendent hairs, the interjuga 1.5-3.0 cm long, the petiole 2-3 cm long; stipels geminate, subulate, 2.5-4.0 mm long; leaflets rigid-coriaceous; petiolules thick, canaliculate above, 2-7 mm long; blades 5-11 cm long, 3.4-5.6 cm wide, ovate or elliptic-ovate, unequally rounded at the base, attenuate, acutate and ’shortly acuminate, or obtuse at the apex, crenate-serrate at the margin, the teeth acute, callous, 5-8 mm apart; glabrous, yellowish-dark green and lustrous above, with impressed costa and lateral nerves, the minute reticulum very conspicuous and surface slightly rugose or bullate between nerves; lighter green or yellowish green, pale, with strongly prominent nervation beneath, the prominent costa striolate and carinate, 11-14 pairs of secondary nerves, prominent, 4-7 mm apart, rather ascendent, the divergence angle 45°-60°, curving near the margin, ending with the marginal tooth, the tertiary nerves transverse, prominent or prominulous, anastomosing with the minor veins into a. small, rather lax, more or less prominulous reticulum, the indument of copious or sparse, minute, rather straight and ascendent hairs, often more abundant and longer, ascendent or subappressed, on the primary nerves, the ground epidermis minutely papillose. Panicles axillary, 4-10 cm long, the peduncle 1-5 cm long, angulate, striolate, compressed, pubescent with patulous, flexible hairs, the branchlets trichotomous, and dichotomous, more or less hirsutulous with long, flexuose hairs. Bracts and bracteoles narrowly linear or subulate 1-3 mm long. Pedicels 0-1 mm long. Flowers mostly hexamerous, also pentamerous, predominantly with three carpels but also with two or four carpels; buds angular-globose, about 4.5 mm in diam; calyx 4-5 mm high, expanded from about 11 mm diam in young male flowers to 13-15 mm in fruiting specimens, the lobes ovate-triangular or oblong-ovate, acute, 3.2-5.0 mm long, 2.4-3.0 mm wide, pubescent with rather ascendent or appressed hairs outside, minutely, sparsely sericeous inside; staminal filaments in male flowers 4.5-5.0 mm long, the anthers elliptic, subcordate and obtusely apiculate, 1.6-1.8 mm long, 1.2-1.3 mm broad; staminodial filaments in female flowers 1.0-1.5 mm, glabrous, the sterile anthers oblong, about 0.9 mm long; rudimentary carpels in male flowers, the ovary minute, very hirsute, the style 1.0-1.2 mm long, hooked, glabrous. Follicles oblong-ovoid, 13-15 mm long, about 9 mm broad, attenuate at the base, abruptly apiculate, acute at the apex, the ventral suture thick-carinate, densely, brown-tomentose with dense minute acute trichomes and copious straight, sharp pointed bristles 0.5-0.9 mm long, the exocarp very thick; endocarp dispermous, corneous, very thick and hard, oblong-ovoid, subobtuse at one end, attenuate and obliqualy subacutate at the apex, the suture carinate, 11-12 mm long, 7-8 mm broad, coracle shaped, the margin contracted when dry and open. Seeds oblong ellipsoid, 4-5 × 2.2-2.3 mm obtusely attenuate at apex, reddish brown, very lustrous, the episperm hard, cartilagineous, the endosperm thick, the embryo straight. Disc tomentose-hirsute, minutely hispidulous.


The Boyaca specimens are somewhat different and may represent a variety.

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