Monographs Details:

Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.

Scientific Name:

Salvia L.

Description - Herbs, or some species shrubs, with clustered flowers, the clusters mostly spiked, racemed, or panicled. Calyx mostly naked in the throat, 2-lipped; upper lip entire or 3-toothed; lower lip 2-cleft or 2-toothed. Corolla strongly 2-lipped; upper lip entire, emarginate or 2-lobed; lower lip spreading, 3-cleft or 3-lobed. Anther-bearing stamens 2 (the posterior pair wanting or rudimentary); connective of the anthers transverse, linear or filiform, bearing a perfect anther-sac on its upper end, its lower end dilated, capitate or sometimes bearing a small or rudimentary one. Nutlets smooth, usually developing mucilage and spiral tubes when wetted. [Latin, salvus, safe, from its healing virtues.] About 500 species, of wide distribution. Type species: Salvia officinalis L.