Filed As:

Euterpe precatoria Mart.
All Determinations:

Euterpe precatoria Mart.

Common Names:

jussara, ací

Brazil. Maranhão. São Luís Mun. Isla of São Luís, ca. 7 km. SE of hte center of the city, Reserva do Sacavem (Parque Estadual do Bacanga) near the city's bus station. Alt. 30m. (98 ft.)

L. R. Noblick 4964 with N. Figueiredo, 27 Aug 1994

Clustering palm with 7-8 m. x 10 cm. trunk and 17-22 cm. internodes. 12 leaves in crown, spirally arranged and spreading. Leaf sheath green with orange in color (a crownshaft) 104 cm. long and 8 cm. in diam. and a true leaf petiole only 23-24 cm. long, adaxially channeled and abaxially rounded. Leaf rachis 244-262 cm. long. 58-60 pairs of pinnae which are distributed evenly along the rachis in one plane. Middle pinnae 91-92 cm. long x 3.5-3.8 cm. wide. Androgynous inflorescence with 9 cm. long peduncle and 82 cm. long rachis. There aer 66 rachillae measuring 29-31 cm. long at the apex and 37-44 cm. long at the base. Fruits purple black in color and 12-13 mm. long and 12-15 cm. in diameter. Phenology of specimen: Fruit.

Pre-Amazonian seasonal rainforest with lateritic soils.

NY Barcode: 00877998
GUID: ce69d7e5-1cdb-4b78-9d76-0396f066b3fc

Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 33693
Geodetic Datum: SAD69
Coordinates: (-2.52972, -44.3028)


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