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Displaying 41 - 60 out of 354 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Cleome lutea Hook.L. C. Higgins 20650
26 Jul 1999
United States of America. Utah. Kane Co. Kitchen Corral Wash.280288
Cleome lutea Hook.S. L. Welsh 27790 with N. D. Atwood & J. Spencer,
29 Aug 2000
United States of America. Utah. Garfield Co. Junction of Upper Valley and Birch Creeks, ca. 5 miles west of Escalante.58455800584558.jpg
Cleome lutea Hook.L. C. Higgins 23521
22 Aug 2001
United States of America. Arizona. Mohave Co. Mount Logan; Grand Canyon Parashant NM.58456000584560.jpg
Cleome aculeata L. subsp. aculeataT. S. Cochrane 8646 with Duane A. Kolterman & Barbara A. Cochrane,
07 Aug 1978
Mexico. San Luis Potosí. Southernmost tip of Sierra Tanchipa or Boca del Abra, E edge of El Abra, 10.3 km (by road) E of Ciudad Valles on Mex. Hwy. 110.486734
Cleome aculeata L. subsp. aculeataE. Hassler 12339
Nov 1913
Paraguay. Central. Ypacaray.486735
Cleome chelidonii L.f.Herb. Wight 78
India. Penisnula Ind. orientalis.type38768200387682.jpg
Cleome sparsifolia S.WatsonJ. L. Reveal 3711 with C. G. Reveal,
13 Jul 1974
United States of America. Nevada. Churchill Co. On the Truckee Sink along U.S. Hwy 95, 17 miles north of Fallon.22286800222868.jpg
Cleome platycarpa Torr.L. Lindley
12 Mar 1937
United States of America. Idaho. Washington Co. Weiser River.22276300222763.jpg
Cleome platycarpa Torr.C. L. Hitchcock 21018 with C. V. Muhlick,
27 May 1957
United States of America. Oregon. Malheur Co. 2 miles S of the Snake R., along highway to Ontario, 2 miles from its intersection with Highway 30.22272300222723.jpg
Cleome platycarpa Torr.C. L. Hitchcock 20649
31 May 1955
United States of America. Oregon. Malheur Co. Ca 15 miles SW of Vale.22275900222759.jpg
Cleome gynandra L.J. B. Walker 1685
20 Oct 1995
United States of America. Texas. Hidalgo Co. SE of La Joya, on dirt road paralleling Hwy 83.4337800043378.jpg
Cleome L.R. D. Burr 198
21 May 1948
United States of America. Texas. Bexar Co. S. of San Antonio.0149291201492912.jpg
Cleome stenophylla Klotzsch ex Urb.N. L. Britton 4760
01 Mar 1915
Puerto Rico. Playa Sucia Bay.1037666v-126-01037666-01.jpg
Cleome stenophylla Klotzsch ex Urb.N. L. Britton 4672
26 Feb 1915
Puerto Rico. Punta Casabe.1037669v-126-01037669-01.jpg
Cleome anomala KunthM. L. Gavilanes 1071
17 Jan 1993
Ecuador. Pichincha. Paraiso Escondido, cerca de Puerto Quito.
Cleome L.N. T. Marshall 273
27 Feb 1988
Guatemala. Izabal. Santo Tomas de Castilla, on road 0.5km N of Las Escobas, several km from Las Escobas.
Cleome L.P. Mena V. 58 Ecuador. Pichincha. Valle de Lloa.
Cleome parviflora KunthJ. L. Paixão 01
17 Aug 1997
Brazil. Bahia. Itabuna, próximo ao Bairro da Bananera.1031657v-126-01031657.jpg
Cleome aculeata L.F. E. L. de Miranda 503
Cleome spinosa Jacq.F. E. L. de Miranda 563