Filed As:

Bactris acanthocarpa var. intermedia A.J.Hend.
All Determinations:

Bactris acanthocarpa var. intermedia A.J.Hend. det. A. Rabelo, Sep 1998


Brazil. Amazonas. Manaus Mun. Reserva Walter Egler, na estrada Manaus-Itacoatiara. km 65. Frequente na mata de terra firme.

W. A. Rodrigues 8448 with , 26 Feb 1968

Palmeira quese acaule, de frutos vermelhos; folhas de 2,5 m de comprimento com 19-22 pinos de cada lado; espinho apenas no pecíolo, não ocorrendo no raquis foliar. Frequente na mata de terra firme.


GUID: 46677c7a-2292-44b9-9ca1-7b075827a7c7

Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Unable to locate precise location of "Reserva Florestal Walter Egler;" georeferenced along Manaus-Itacoatiara road. Using Google Maps, located the road connecting Manaus to Itacoatiara, AM-010. Beginning at the start of this road in Manaus, used the measurement tool to measure approximately 65 km. (65.0000 km.) along the road toward Itacoatiara. Used Canadensys Lat/Long Crosshairs to find the coordinates. Used measurement tool again (Google Maps) to measure the linear extent of Manaus. Input coordinates, linear extent (14317.95 m.), measurement error (.01 m.), and distance precision (100 m.) into the MaNIS Georeferncing Calculator to calculate the uncertainty radius.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 14369.5
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (-2.68662, -59.6778)


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