Monographs Details:

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

Scientific Name:


Family Description - Fls unisexual or sometimes perfect, regular, hypogynous, 4–8-merous, mostly in axillary infls; pet imbricate, very shortly connate at base (Ilex) or distinct; stamens usually alternate with the pet, commonly adnate to the base of the cor in Ilex; nectary-disk wanting; ovary mostly 4–8-locular, with a single pendulous, apical-axile, apotropous ovule in each locule; style short or none; stigma lobed or capitate; fr a drupe with usually as many stones as carpels (or fewer by abortion); seeds with a very small, dicotyledonous embryo and abundant, oily endosperm; shrubs or trees with simple, mostly alternate lvs and minute or no stipules. 4 genera, all but about 20 spp. belonging to Ilex.

Common Names:

The holly family