Monographs Details:
Morley, Thomas. 1976. Melastomataceae tribe Memecyleae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 15: 1-295. (Published by NYBG Press)
Morley, Thomas. 1976. Melastomataceae tribe Memecyleae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 15: 1-295. (Published by NYBG Press)
Latin Diagnosis - Frutex vel arbor parva usque 6 m alta, praeter inflorescentiam glabra. Petioli 3.0-6.0 mm longi; laminae 19.0-27.0 cm longae, 7.7-12.5 cm latae, ovato-ellipticae vel ovato-oblongae, apice abruptissime acuminato, basi cordata incisura 1-6 mm profunda; superficies costae mediae plana vel canaliculata, pagina inferior prominens, peranguste 2-alata, rotundata ad basem, complanata ca 1/3 vel plus distantiae versus apicem; nervi laterales desuper obscure manifesti, desub ter manifesti in sicco. Cryptae stomatatae 42-89 µ diametris, 18-30 µ altae, 54-100 in mm2; sclerides terminales foliariae filiformes, saepe ramosae. Inflorescentiae axillares et probabiliter interdum ad nodos aphyllos ramulorum, 1-3 in quoque later, singulae (l-)3-florae, 3.0-4.4 mm longae ad bases pedicellorum secus axes cum internodiis 2; bracteae 1.2-2.2 mm longae, triangulares usque ovato-triangulares, acutae, connato-perfoliatae ad bases, persistentes sub anthesi; pedieelli 1.0-3.2 mm longi. Superficies axium et bractearum inflorescentiae et loborum calycis interdum papillosae. Calyx ovarium inferior ineludens 5.0-7.5 mm longus, cyathiformis; distantia ab basi stylo ad stamina 3.6-4.0 mm; lobi calycis 0.8-1.6 mm longi, 1.6-2.4 mm lati, triangulares vel brevi-acuminati, 1.8-2.2 mm longi ab staminibus; calyx 0.8-1.6 mm findens inter lobos sub anthesi. Pétala alba, 5.0-6.0 mm longa, ca 3.2 mm lata, obovata, acuta. Filamenta 5.0-6.0 mm longa; antherae 3.7-4.3 mm longae; thecae 3.6-3.8 mm longae, poris apicalibus dehiscentes; glándula 0.3-0.4 mm longa cum centro 2.5-3.0 mm ab ápice antherae; cauda 0.5-1.0 mm longa. Loculi ovarii 5, late separati, ut videtur intra basim hypanthii; placentae parietalis in quoque loculo, ovula 4-6 undique circum quamque placentam genita; stylus 15.0-18.0 mm longus. Fructus immaturus lobis 4-5 subglobosis separatis.
Description - Midrib xylem tubular; stomatal crypts Type III, typically with arched roofs, their extreme dimensions and frequencies given above; upper epidermis varying irregularly from one to two cells thick in the same leaf; mucilaginous walls common in the innermost of the doubled cells and sometimes in the single cells; hypodermis none, but the upper palisade layer simulates one, its cells being clear (lacking tannin compounds and with fewer chloroplasts than the lower layers or none; tannin compounds present at least in chloroplasts of all layers except the upper palisade; free cortical stone cells abundant in a section taken ca 1/3 of the way to the leaf tip, probably extending all the way; terminal sclereids filiform, turning and running parallel next to each epidermis and often branching there.
Latin Diagnosis - Frutex vel arbor parva usque 6 m alta, praeter inflorescentiam glabra. Petioli 3.0-6.0 mm longi; laminae 19.0-27.0 cm longae, 7.7-12.5 cm latae, ovato-ellipticae vel ovato-oblongae, apice abruptissime acuminato, basi cordata incisura 1-6 mm profunda; superficies costae mediae plana vel canaliculata, pagina inferior prominens, peranguste 2-alata, rotundata ad basem, complanata ca 1/3 vel plus distantiae versus apicem; nervi laterales desuper obscure manifesti, desub ter manifesti in sicco. Cryptae stomatatae 42-89 µ diametris, 18-30 µ altae, 54-100 in mm2; sclerides terminales foliariae filiformes, saepe ramosae. Inflorescentiae axillares et probabiliter interdum ad nodos aphyllos ramulorum, 1-3 in quoque later, singulae (l-)3-florae, 3.0-4.4 mm longae ad bases pedicellorum secus axes cum internodiis 2; bracteae 1.2-2.2 mm longae, triangulares usque ovato-triangulares, acutae, connato-perfoliatae ad bases, persistentes sub anthesi; pedieelli 1.0-3.2 mm longi. Superficies axium et bractearum inflorescentiae et loborum calycis interdum papillosae. Calyx ovarium inferior ineludens 5.0-7.5 mm longus, cyathiformis; distantia ab basi stylo ad stamina 3.6-4.0 mm; lobi calycis 0.8-1.6 mm longi, 1.6-2.4 mm lati, triangulares vel brevi-acuminati, 1.8-2.2 mm longi ab staminibus; calyx 0.8-1.6 mm findens inter lobos sub anthesi. Pétala alba, 5.0-6.0 mm longa, ca 3.2 mm lata, obovata, acuta. Filamenta 5.0-6.0 mm longa; antherae 3.7-4.3 mm longae; thecae 3.6-3.8 mm longae, poris apicalibus dehiscentes; glándula 0.3-0.4 mm longa cum centro 2.5-3.0 mm ab ápice antherae; cauda 0.5-1.0 mm longa. Loculi ovarii 5, late separati, ut videtur intra basim hypanthii; placentae parietalis in quoque loculo, ovula 4-6 undique circum quamque placentam genita; stylus 15.0-18.0 mm longus. Fructus immaturus lobis 4-5 subglobosis separatis.
Description - Midrib xylem tubular; stomatal crypts Type III, typically with arched roofs, their extreme dimensions and frequencies given above; upper epidermis varying irregularly from one to two cells thick in the same leaf; mucilaginous walls common in the innermost of the doubled cells and sometimes in the single cells; hypodermis none, but the upper palisade layer simulates one, its cells being clear (lacking tannin compounds and with fewer chloroplasts than the lower layers or none; tannin compounds present at least in chloroplasts of all layers except the upper palisade; free cortical stone cells abundant in a section taken ca 1/3 of the way to the leaf tip, probably extending all the way; terminal sclereids filiform, turning and running parallel next to each epidermis and often branching there.
Mouriri spruceana is distinguished from most other species of the genus by the wide separation of its ovary locules. From the three preceding species, which it does resemble in this respect, it differs in its irregularly doubled foliar upper epidermis, its filiform foliar terminal sclereids, and its larger and relatively broad leaves with longer petioles and a midrib which is never grooved along each side above. The enlargement of some ovary locules in post-anthesis flowers of the collection Rodrigues 930 is completely separate and has every appearance of the formative stage of a fruit like that of M. nervosa and M. cauliflora.
Mouriri spruceana is distinguished from most other species of the genus by the wide separation of its ovary locules. From the three preceding species, which it does resemble in this respect, it differs in its irregularly doubled foliar upper epidermis, its filiform foliar terminal sclereids, and its larger and relatively broad leaves with longer petioles and a midrib which is never grooved along each side above. The enlargement of some ovary locules in post-anthesis flowers of the collection Rodrigues 930 is completely separate and has every appearance of the formative stage of a fruit like that of M. nervosa and M. cauliflora.
Amazonas Brazil South America|
Amazonas Brazil South America|
Common Names:
Dauricurana da folha granda
Dauricurana da folha granda