Taxon Details: Miconia ricardoi Kriebel & Almeda
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Melastomataceae (Magnoliophyta)
Scientific Name:

Miconia ricardoi Kriebel & Almeda
Accepted Name:

This name is currently accepted.
Type Specimens:

Specimen 1: Isotype -- R. Kriebel

Description Author and Date: Ricardo Kriebel and Frank Almeda, as based on the original description.

Type: COSTA RICA. Cartago: Cantón del Guarco. Parque Nacional Tapantí-Macizo de la Muerte, entre Salsipuedes y Loma del Indio, 09º39'13'' N 83º50'39'' W, 7 June 2003, R. Kriebel et al. 3384 (Holotype: INB; Isotypes: CAS, CR, MO, NY,).

Description: Sprawling or prostrate herb or subshrub with erect branches ca. 15 cm tall; uppermost nodes of branchlets and inflorescence rachis setose with flattened apically branched hairs, 0.5--2 mm long that fall off to leave an interpetiolar line or scar on older nodes, uppermost quadrisulcate internodes, vegetative buds, petioles and inflorescence rachis sparsely to moderately covered with stalked dendritic hairs, 0.5--1 mm long, underlain or replaced (especially on internodes and inflorescence rachis ) by minute branched hairs and/or asperous headed hairs. Leaves of a pair equal to somewhat unequal in length; petioles 0.6--2.5 cm; blade 2--4 xxx 1.3--2.9 cm, chartaceous, lanceolate-ovate to ovate, apex acute to short-acuminate, base rounded to cordulate or cordate, margin entire to crenulate and conspicuously ciliate, 3-5-nerved (exluding the inframarginal ill-defined pair), the adaxial surface puncticulate with an admixture of coarse somewhat appressed simple hairs 0.5--0.75 mm long, (largely distributed between the primary veins) and weaker retrorsely-spreading simple or apically branched hairs, 0.25--0.5 mm long, that are mostly concentrated on the primary veins; the abaxial surface with short-stalked dendritic hairs sparsely distributed on the primary and secondary veins and glandular-puberulent on the higher order veins. Inflorescence a terminal, long-pedunculate multiflowered panicle, 6--11 cm long, the peduncle 4--7 cm long; bracts foliaceous, 3--7 x 2--3.5 mm sometimes tardily deciduous, the subpersistent oblong to oblong-obovate bracteoles 2--2.5 xxx 1--1.5 mm long. Flowers 5-merous, on pedicels 0.5--1 mm long. Hypanthia (at anthesis) 1.75--2 mm to the torus, broadly campanulate, sparsely beset with sessile to short-stalked branched hairs, especially towards the base. Calyx tube 0.1 mm long; calyx lobes 0.25--0.5 mm long, rounded-triangular; calyx teeth 0.5 mm long, bluntly tuberculate, appressed to and equaling or barely exceeding the lobes. Petals 2.25--2.75 mm long and 1.5--2 mm wide distally, obovate, white, apically, emarginate. Stamens 10, isomorphic; filaments 3--3.5 mm long, glabrous, complanate; anthers 1--1.5 mm long and 0.5--0.6 mm wide distally, cuneate, rose colored, oblong to oblong-obovate, 2-celled and 2-pored, the pores truncate to somewhat ventrally inclined, the connective thickened dorsally and elevated into a knobby appendage 0.2 mm dorso-basally and prolonged ventro-basally into two lateral lobes 0.2 mm long. Ovary 3-locular, ½ inferior (at anthesis), depressed-conic, the apex glabrous and lacking a stylar collar. Style erect, glabrous, 4 mm long; stigma capitellate. Mature berry 2.75--3.25 xxx 2.5--3 mm, blue. Seeds 0.5 mm long, narrowly ovoid, the testa vaguely granulate.

Habitat and Distribution: Miconia ricardoi is known only from the high elevations swamp habitat commonly called "turbera" in the Talamanca mountain range of Costa Rica at elevations 2500-3100 m.

Phenology: This species has been collected in flower and fruit in January, May, and June.

Etymology: The specific epithet is dedicated to Ricardo "Richard" Kriebel, father of the first author whose unconditional support has been vital to the first author's continuing studies of Costa Rican Melastomataceae.

Taxonomy and Systematics: Miconia ricardoi is easily recognized by its sprawling prostrate habit, setose nodes with dendritic hairs, small leaves with rounded, cordulate or cordate bases, long-pedunculate, bracteate inflorescences, 2-celled anthers with a short prolonged and appendaged connective, and 2-locular ovary. Although the above combination of characters makes this species hard to place beyond section Cremanium because of its broad pored anthers, it is probably related to Miconia pittieri Cogn. of Costa Rica and Panama. Both species share similar leaf shape, indument and anther morphology. The latter species differs from M. ricardoi in it's shrubby or arborescent habit, copious indument of simple hairs on both surfaces of the leaves, petioles, inflorescence branches and hypanthia, it's considerably larger leaves (5--13 x 3--8.5 cm), deciduous bracteoles, and 3-locular ovary in which the apex is elevated into a small, pubescent collar.