Filed As:

Aciotis caulialata (Ruiz & Pav.) Triana
All Determinations:

Aciotis caulialata (Ruiz & Pav.) Triana det. A. Freire Fierro, 1998

Aciotis purpurascens (Aubl.) Triana var. purpurascens det. P. S. Mathies, Jul 1981


Brazil. Amapá. Oiapoque.

G. A. Black 49- 8405 with , 05 Oct 1949

Arbusto; flor roxo-clara. Phenology of specimen: Flower.

Beira do caminho, mata virgem de terra firme.

NY Barcode: 477548
GUID: 2fd7fdec-8b6e-4f0c-b6fa-05f17be3439f

Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Georeferenced to the approximate geographic center of the city of Oiapoque in Mun. Oiapoque, Amapa. Using Google Maps - Satellite View, located the city of Oiapoque. Used Canadensys Lat/Long Crosshairs to find the coordinates of the approximate geographic center of the city. Because Oiapoque does not have defined spatial boundaries on Google Maps, used the Distance Measurement Tool (Google Maps) to find the linear extent by measuring from the selected coordinates to the geographic center of the nearest named place, the city of Clevelândia do Norte, and halving this distance. Input coordinates, linear extent (2276.815 m), and measurement error (.5 m) into the MaNIS Georeferencing Calculator to find the uncertainty radius.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 2278.88
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (3.8407, -51.8299)


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