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Displaying 1 - 3 out of 3 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Meriania haemantha subsp. orientalis Humberto Mend. & Fern.AlonsoM. L. Grant 10542
31 Oct 1944
Colombia. south side guavio river, 20 Km northeast of Gachala.0248709802487098.jpg
Meriania haemantha subsp. orientalis Humberto Mend. & Fern.AlonsoM. L. Grant 10542
31 Oct 1944
Colombia. Cundinamarca. Cordillera Central. South side Guavio River, 20 kilometers northeast of Gachalá, Las Mesitas.0248709902487099.jpg
Meriania haemantha subsp. orientalis Humberto Mend. & Fern.AlonsoW. R. Philipson 2010 with Idrobo, J. M.,,
30 Dec 1949
Colombia. Sierra De La Macarena: Central Mountaine North Ridge.0248709702487097.jpg